HeadlineNigeria's Gombe Military Barracks Hit By Suspected Suicide Bomber

Nigeria’s Gombe Military Barracks Hit By Suspected Suicide Bomber

A suspected suicide bomb went off in an open-air recreational area at a military barracks in the city of Gombe in northeastern Nigeria on Wednesday, a security source and a local journalist at the scene told Reuters.

The journalist, David Hassan, said he believed there were fatalities but did not have details.

A source from within the barracks said the bomber arrived at the Mami area of the compound, where soldiers go to eat and drink after hours, on a three-wheel motorcycle.

The area is usually busy with people, especially on New Year’s Eve. There were no immediate claims of responsibility.

Gombe, which is in Gombe state, has been hit by attacks blamed on Boko Haram. The Sunni Jihadist group is seeking to carve out an Islamist state in the northeast of the country. It is most active in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states.

A suicide bomb also went off in a bus in Yobe state earlier on Wednesday, in which at least six people were killed, according to a witness.



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