News“Watch Your Utterances” - Atiku Cautions Ethnic Leaders

“Watch Your Utterances” – Atiku Cautions Ethnic Leaders

January 20, (THEWILL) – Former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar has cautioned the various ethnic groups in the country to watch their utterances in the interest of the unity of Nigeria.

Atiku was Nigerian Vice-President between 1999 and 2007. He was also a former presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the 2019 General elections.

Speaking in Abuja on Thursday, Atiku said dialogue and understanding could solve disagreements noting that “this is a delicate point in the history of this country”.


He said, “Again, let me also comment on the issue of the ethnic nationalities who try to put obstacles, like Baba-Ahmed said, making it ungovernable in certain parts of the country.

“I think what we need to do definitely as he recommended, there is a need that we lower the temperature.”

There have been agitations by various ethnic groups including the Southern and Middle Belt Leaders’ Forum (SMBLF), Northern Elders Forum (NEF), Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF), Ohanaeze Ndigbo, and Afenifere centering on power rotation, resource control, state police among other demands.

Also, the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB) and Yoruba self-determination group, Ilana Omo O’odua Worldwide, have been agitating for separate nations, creating an intemperate atmosphere in relationships between ethnic nationalities in the country.

Recently, IPOB threatened to ban consumption of beef in the South East. Beef is mostly supplied from the northern part of Nigeria.

The ban, which IPOB said will take effect from April, was matched with a threat to halt food supplies to the South East by various northern groups.

Similarly, the Ilana Omo O’odua Worldwide, expressed its support for Ondo State governor, Mr Rotimi Akeredolu’s call for the Yoruba to boycott cow meat.

Atiku noted that “What is so disappointing about this, is that all these ethnic nationalities are being headed by people who are supposed to be very well educated. And this is the disappointing part of it. I also believe that it is solvable.

“It is solvable only through dialogue and understanding. So, this is a delicate point in the history of this country.”

He advised that, “We must be very, very cautious on how we actually approach these issues, particularly in an election year between now and the 2023 elections. So, let me pause here and say that I have actually been ambushed to make those comments.”

The former Vice-president said he has listened to “contributions so far about education, unemployment, poverty and the causes of what we are going through today.

“These are correct and the right thing; identifications of our challenges, but, the major constraint to these challenges is what was highlighted by the governor of Borno State, and that is corruption.

“We established the Universal Basic Education (UBE) and Education Tax Fund (ETF). All this money is being channelled to the states and local governments to provide compulsory education for every child up to secondary school.

“Compulsory education for every child is a must. Do we do it? Do the states and the local governments do it? We know that they don’t. Why? corruption.

“I believe that a leader that can come and really show strong leadership on that issue, particularly of education is desirable.”


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