NewsPolice Debunk Rumoured Withdrawal Of Personnel From Ekiti

Police Debunk Rumoured Withdrawal Of Personnel From Ekiti

SAN FRANCISCO, November 19, (THEWILL) – The Commissioner of Police in Ekiti state, Tunde Mobayo has debunked rumour, that the Nigeria Police Force have withdrawn from Ikere-Ekiti or anywhere in the state.

In a statement on Thursday, CP Mobayo said that officers and men of the police force are fully on ground in all parts of the State.

“The Ekiti Police Command have no reason, whatsoever, to withdraw policemen and women posted to any part of the state including Ikere-Ekiti”, he said.


The Police command assured the people of its commitment to the protection of lives and properties of the citizens.

Mabayo commended the Assessment Committee of the Inspector-General of Police on the #EndSARS protest which visited the state on Nov. 15, for its dedication and professionalism.

Also, the CP commended the committee members for their sacrifices, empathy, and acceptance to embark on the assignment as well as the show of maturity and professionalism throughout the exercise.

“The Ekiti State police command, on Nov. 15, received the Assessment Committee of the Inspector-General of Police, IGP Mohammed Adamu, which came to properly document the losses suffered by the Force during the #EndSARS protest.

“The assessment visit is for the purpose of strategic planning, re-construction and re-equipment as well as for future reference.

“The Committee, headed by CP Abutu Yaro, started its assignment from Ikere Area Command where police facilities were looted and vandalised and proceeded to Ikere Divisional Police Headquarters which was looted and set ablaze by hoodlums during the protest.

“The team also visited Afao-Ikere Divisional Police Headquarters that was also looted and set ablaze by the hoodlums masquerading as #EndSARS protesters”, Mobayo stated.

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