The basic needs of one citizen are the basic needs of every citizen (no matter their status in society). The most important word is: Basic! And added to it is: Needs!!

Heretofore, the basic needs of Man (every person) are: Food, Shelter and Clothing. But modernity and the dynamics and dialectics of urbanization in all societies of the world today, has expanded the basic need of every person (citizens and non citizens) living within every geographical confines of the world. For everyone to function properly, at least at the basic levels of life and living, these needs are essentials to be met and utilized consistently for the maintenance of life without choices. They seem or are like “musts” in everybody’s life and living.

In modern times, what are the core basic needs of everyone (man, woman, child, able-bodied and those having bodily challenges), as against the earlier known basic needs (food, shelter and clothing)? The word to note is: Core basic (because they are musts and society-based needs for everyone and needs society-wide-provision too as against individual-provisions for self and immediate relations). Indeed, the core basic needs of every person living in every society in modern times (country, nation, community, towns, and cities, developed, underdeveloped and developing) are: Food, Shelter, Clothing, Water, Electricity, Employment, Education, Medical Care/Medical Aid, Security, All Transportation Modes—Properly Networked, Communication Channels, Excellent Community and Social Relationships and Well Planned Environments and Sanitations (For Clean and Healthy Environments). When they are massively and better provided through government planned provisions, they uplift society’s developmental considerations, inspire—indeed motivate Nationalism, Patriotism and Sense of Belonging in the generality of the people in all geographically-delineated confines. How? We will briefly explain. But before we concisely explain how the provision of each of them (this writer call them “The 13 Basic Needs of Man in Modern Times”) propels Nationalism, Patriotism and Sense of Belonging, please permit us to briefly define the key words that encapsulate this topic. They are: Basic, Needs, Nationalism, Patriotism and Sense of Belonging.

According to The Concise Oxford Dictionary, Basic means: of, at, or forming, base; Fundamental; having properties of or containing a base; standard minimum. Needs means: circumstances requiring some curse of action; necessity for presence or possession of, required want; emergency, crisis, time of difficulty; thing wanted, respect in which want is felt, requirement; be under necessity or obligation to or to do; stand in need of, require; be necessary. Nationalism means: Patriotic feeling, national quality; patriotic sentiment; one’s nation of origin. Patriotism means: committed defense or zealousness in one for his country’s prosperity, freedom, or rights; “having or expressing a great love of your country and willing to defend it” (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English). Sense of Belonging means: strong feeling about or attachment on something.

Indeed, these definitions are self-explanatory, especially as they relate to our topic here. Surely, when the fundamental needs—which are the standard minimum needed for existence (on earth) for everyone is provided-for, or are within the affordable-reach of everyone, one must therefore be willing to love and defend one’s country and its values (prosperity, rights and freedoms, etc), and consequently become unshakably attached to one’s country too.

With all these in mind, let us now briefly explain how each of our “13 Basic Needs of Man (i.e. everyone) in Modern Times”, inspires, indeed motivates the generality of the people (when they are provided and made affordable, available and are in abundance); and how they also propel Nationalism, Patriotism and Sense of Belonging.

1. Food: Food is derived from Agriculture through farming and animal husbandry. As the first basic need of everyone, it must (repeat: must) be made available, affordable and in abundance; and this being so, surely propels the mass of the people to be more committed to their country.

There are popular clichés that posits and asserts thus: “A hungry man is an angry man” and “An empty stomach has no brains to take instructions or coordinated to do things properly”. On his part, our lecturer in Political Science (while teaching us Politics of Development) at The Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, in 1990 (or thereabout), Professor Egbo, authoritatively and vehemently asserted that “a hungry man is a semi-madman (at the time of his intense-hunger)”, and also that “the stomach is the lower brain, and therefore when there is no food in the stomach, or inability to get one into it, democracy is far from being realized by such lacking individual(s) and their societies (that suffer from food-scarcity)”. Consequently, he (Prof. Egbo) further enunciated, explained and tagged his unpublished theorem then as: “Democracy of the stomach”.

To say it all, food is the most important necessity and a daily (necessary) need of everyone. Therefore, all societies (countries and nations) must (repeat: must) always seek to provide it for all its citizens—making it available, affordable and in abundance (“The Triple ‘A’ Policy” as encapsulated by this writer) at all times.

Food security is the greatest security for any nation. Any country that cannot feed its populace and depends on imports to do so is not truly independent. Indeed, any country that lacks the wherewithal in providing food for its citizens is eternally under threat (from internal and external aggressors). A workforce that is hungry cannot produce much. Children, who are hungry, do not learn much (so the future of any such society where hunger is high amongst its children must suffer a bleak future). Malnutrition also causes kwashiorkor in children and all kinds of sicknesses in adults. Furthermore, when the daily food-intake of citizens does not have all the required nutrients, the body becomes weak; and one weak body effects other bodies (and society too) in their function-ability. Any nation or nation-state that depend on food-imports to feed its population, is a dependent nation and far from the realities of independence. Therefore, we have to produce all the food we eat in Nigeria because the country has all the favourable (i.e. conducive) weather and soil to produce any kind of agricultural food we need. Also, we can rear all kinds of animals and poultry to produce meat and chicken to provide the required protein for the citizenry. Fishery and Forestry have bright futures if better handled here too. So what are we waiting for—the political will to do it? Agriculture and the food value chain is a very long one and they employ a lot of hands and machinery. Indeed, a well coordinated food value chain has remained a great benefit to nations that are conscious of their immense and advantageous potentials.

Governments (at all levels) should pay special attention to food-production to feed its populace because it is a basic need of all its people and this should not be toyed-with; not paying this said attention, will then mean it is staking the country’s present and future developments in all facets of life for adverse results (and this should be avoided at all costs). Indeed, any government in power that does not pay special attention to Agriculture and food production (making it available, affordable and in abundance), should be voted-out as unpatriotic and non-nationalistic political party that does not want to infuse the sense of belonging into its citizenry.

2. Shelter: Visualize a person not living in a house! Indeed, a man without a shelter (roof) over his/her head is a forlorn person: his/her thoughts are always distracted—always remembering that he/she is a homeless person that is at the mercy of nature’s elements. Can this kind of person become a nationalist or a patriotic citizen? The sense of belonging of such a person suffering this kind of lack—the second most important basic need of every person is questionable. Indecent and slum accommodation is also a shameful situation for those who live in such houses and environment (wherever they are found). Can good patriots, nationalists arise in slum environments and indecent housing? (There could be exceptions though, like in all things in life). Can a person who is comparable to a homeless-fellow, develop an excellent sense of belonging (attachment) to his/her country?

Therefore, it behooves on Governments at all levels to provide well-planned mass-housing for all its citizens if it wants to heighten patriotism and nationalism amongst the generality of its citizenry. Mortgaged houses with many decades-of-maturation in payments, also helps citizens to develop great attachments to their environments (country) and communities where they are living-in; and consequently ups-the-ante in nationalism and patriotism amongst the mass of its people. Nobody should be allowed to own more than two houses in a town. Those who want to have many houses which they want to rent-out in cut-throat charges/rents should build those houses under registered corporate housing companies and allow Government regulators in housing to regulate the fees/charges/rents they collect from such houses. Regulation of such houses should also be focused on regular maintenance and live-ability of such houses. There are different types of affordable houses that can be made available and in abundance; and built with local materials. What an average unmarried man and single lady wants is a one bedroom apartment; married couples without children or having one or two kids can make do with two bedroom apartments and those with larger families can have three bedroom apartments—increasing in bedroom numbers as one can afford.

To say the least, the housing sector when consciously worked-on by Government and Corporate bodies, provides a lot jobs along its value chain (building materials, transportation, warehousing and retailing of materials, construction equipment and employment of builders at all levels etc). And when this is happening: people are gainfully employed, and when many are employed and earn their living, they become happy people; and surely, when there are many happy people in a country, nationalism, patriotism and sense of belonging is engendered.

3. Clothing: Inferiority complex is a constant companion of a person in tattered or unfitting clothing. A person without a clothing over his/her body is a naked person and therefore naked before Nature and Man. Indeed, he/she who is confronted with such misfortune can neither be patriotic or nationalistic. Also, such a person’s sense of belonging will surely be doubtful. Good and decent clothing (albeit simple and inexpensive), breeds confidence (and remembering that confidence breeds excellence) in any person wearing it; and consequently an unquestionable attachment to such environment (country) that provides affordable, available and all kinds of clothing (which are in all affordable to purchase).

Industries (both manufacturing and services) related to the production, warehousing, transportation and retailing of cloths create a lot of employment; and therefore Governments at all levels and at all times, must be made to encourage cloth-production and sales in our country.

4. Water: Indeed, water is life! A denial of water is equivalent to wanting the person to die. Therefore, how can any Government exist in confidence, when a majority of its citizens are denied a core basic need of everyone like water? How can any government demand Nationalism and Patriotism from its citizens when a majority of its people is denied clean and abundant water to drink and to be used for other necessities of life (needing water)?

5. Electricity: Modern times demand without compromise, the provision and usage of electricity for industries (both large and small scales), offices and homes. The difference between the dark-ages and the present times is electricity. Cities, towns, communities and suburbs when illuminated make beautiful environments to behold (especially at nights). When electricity is provided for the usage of the generality of its citizens, production of goods and services increases, and consequently, employment is massively and quantifiably created. And when employment is held by a great number of citizens in any given country, patriotism, nationalism and sense of belonging are exponentially increased in such societies/countries/nations.

6. Employment: The opposite of employment is unemployment; and in-between employment and unemployment is underemployment. Whether unemployment or underemployment, full-employment is the key to great life for everyone; and the best thing that can happen to every country. When a majority of any given country’s people(s) are enjoying full-employment, that country develops in all sectors and ramifications. Nationalism, patriotism and sense of belonging are at its highest peak amongst its citizens. Unemployment is not to be wished any able-bodied person; not to say when it is real with any person (able-bodied or not). This situation is equivalent to half-death (an unemployed person is a socio-economic emasculated person); and any country that is populated with a lot of half-dead (unemployed) people is itself a dead society. When people are fully employed, creativity, innovations, and inventions in all material and mental dimensions explodes-positively for the good of the citizens and such a given country. On the contrary, is a bleak outlook for such citizenry and its country? With these understanding in mind, nations do their utmost best to provide and post a high percentage of employment ratios for its citizens; and consequently reduce unemployment figures and its related statistical calculations (which are real most times).

Indeed, when many people are employed and happy, the nation is happy and grows (develops) greatly. To say the least, when people are not employed, they are downcast and seem useless to themselves and to society. And like they say: an unemployed hand (and brain maybe), is a big workshop of the devil; and where such workshops are numerous, that society and nation suffers, politically, economically, socially and otherwise. Therefore, any government in power should strive at all times to provide employment to a greater number of its citizens (in the public and private sectors), if it wants nationalism, patriotism, sense of belonging and development in all ramifications to grow in its country. Nigeria should be at the forefronts of providing employment to the greatest number of its citizens if it wants to develop in real terms. Both the private and public sectors should be encouraged so that they can create and sustain massive employment. Unemployment benefits should also be paid to unemployed people so as to make them happy; and when all are happy, the nation is happy and therefore nationalism, patriotism and sense of belonging will be a thing to be proud-off because many people will be keyed-into its joyful tenets for the good of such a nation.

7. Education: An ignorant person is a burden to his society! An uneducated mind is a wasted mind!! Ignorance is bliss; and any society where ignorance is at its highest rates suffers greatly. Surely, modern times demand education for every living person, if the person is expected to be useful to himself/herself and society. Indeed, what can an un-educated person offer to modern societies? Not much! Creativity, innovation, inventions, technology (including Information Communication Technology—ICT) and all other great and noble kinds of ideas; and also, many other societal developments are greatly helped when a greater number its people(s) are educated. The difference between a country where many of its people(s) and citizens are educated in greater numbers and those where the numbers are few is always clear: they cannot be compared in any way, form or manner. Education comes with enlightenment and exposure—and these are the keys that surely unlock a country’s potentials. To say the least, any country where a greater number of its citizens are highly educated, takes it for granted, that its citizens will be nationalistic, patriotic and have a heightened sense of belonging (i.e. attachment to the values that sustain it) at all times. Horizontal and vertical communications within and without such societies is a great interest to behold too. Government should provide free and compulsory education at the primary and post-primary levels of education and free technical education at these levels too. Tertiary education should be based on full or partial grants for academic-best performances and scholarships.

To say it all, there is no choice to or not to provide quality education for every individual in a country: and every government (at whatever level) should always be aware of this in theory and in practicality. This is the truth and the whole truth, and this should not be toyed-with if any country wants to develop, be regarded and be classified highly in modern times; and Nigeria should hearken to this truth and reality.

8. Medical Care/Medical Aid: Sickness is nobody’s friend! Anybody can become sick; and there is nobody living that has not fallen sick one time or the other. Being wealthy, eating the best balanced diet, or living in the most beautiful and healthiest environment can not totally eliminate (the outbreak) of sickness (and there are many types of it) from time to time. At best, it can be minimized to the barest minimum. Sickness is nobody’s friend! Sickness is part of man’s (modern) existence!! The commonest type of flu (cold) is sickness and can be disturbing to the body if not properly managed. Malaria is prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa and has killed a whole-lot of people. Malaria is caused by mosquito (the smallest and most ubiquitous vampire—that blood-sucking) insect seemingly created by Nature for this part of the world.

In all, all kinds of sicknesses exist and needs to be cured when they occur, and that is why the medical profession exists and its multi-dimensional professional-focus has helped humanity to live and do other challenging tasks of life and living. But when the wherewithal is not there to cure and manage any kind of sickness, death stares the person on the face. Indeed, one is challenged in a heavy-weight boxing bout (battle) if there is no financial resource to take-care of even the smallest kind of sickness. And this is where governments of developed and developing countries have come-in to rescue their citizens from the jaws of death, as posed by sicknesses. This is where and when the provision of Medical Care and Medical Aid becomes paramount. Health is indeed wealth; and a healthy populace breeds a healthy country.

All kinds of Medical Care/Medical Aid are required at all times to make the citizenry healthy. Hospitals are built to provide health facilities. Indeed, hospitals (both primary and tertiary) must therefore be built all-over the country (communities, towns and cities) for citizens to access quality health care. Nationalism, patriotism and sense of belonging can better be helped to fester-and-be exponentially entrenched amongst the citizenry by a healthy populace. Developed countries (Canada is a good example) have different kinds of Medical-Insurance that has helped their citizenry to source and maintain their good health. And because they have committedly done this, their citizens are seemingly more nationalistic, patriotic and attached (having excellent sense of belonging) to their countries. Nigeria as a nation-state, have no choice than to follow; and must consequently provide the best Medical Care and Medical Aid to the generality of its people, no matter where they reside (rural or urban areas); if she wants her citizens to be more nationalistic, patriotic, have societal love and be totally attached (i.e. having a high sense of belonging) to their country.

9. Security of Life and Property: Every society (country and nation) is constantly under internal or external threat; and that is why the police (for internal security) and The Armed Forces (for serious internal security-breach resolutions/engagements/combats and to handle external aggression). There should be at least one Police Station located in every community/town. Criminality has always been a challenge in the dynamics and dialectics of societies (ancient and modern), and any government that jokes with this negative aspect in the life of its citizenry and its nation, regrets its existence. But in all this, the greatest security challenge for any society, methinks, is “Food-Security” for the citizenry. The “lack of food” for the majority of the any populace is not a good omen. As we highlighted earlier (on food) any society or country or nation that cannot provide the totality of the food needs of its people, sinks-and-sinks into the abyss of internal insecurity and instability. As earlier posited too, “a hungry man is an angry man” is not a joking cliché; on the other hand, it is the most realistically-coined adage. The food needs of every person must be provided if any country wants to be secure and fit at all times. Indeed, in all, the protection of life and property is the main reason why governments exist; and it is one of the key needs of modern man and modern times (i.e. modernity and modern societies). This is also the truth and the whole truth. Listening and focused governments do not joke with this reality of life in the existence of societies. Nigeria’s case should not be different.

10. Provision of All Transportation Modes: People must move from one point-to-the other in order to take care of their needs. And they can only do this through (or with) different kinds of transportation (on land—using cars on roads, Air—using planes, Railways—using trains, Sea—using ships and boats). Any government that fails to realize this key basic need in modern societies surely regrets its existence (because it cannot be seen and regarded to be performing properly or to have performed properly while in power). Modern road-arteries (both minor and major) helps towns and cities to be linked, keep people moving, and products (both manufactured and not manufactured like agricultural products) to be transported and distributed for retail or warehoused. Indeed, road transportation keep a lot of people employed, like other forms of transportation. Without doubt, the transportation sector keeps many people busy—and to say the least, every society (country/nation) needs this. Therefore, the roads (amongst others) must be constructed in all the nooks and crannies and must be maintained also at all times. A well planned and run rail links to all nooks and crannies (especially between cities and towns), is also a very important need of modern societies and its people—which makes its peoples and citizens very happy. Indeed, they keep them attached and loving to their country—thereby enhancing their nationalistic and Patriotic quotients (sentiments, sensibilities and abilities) towards their country.

Even though, Air Transportation seems an elitist concern and the ability to use its facilities, it is also a very important need in every modern society—which makes the citizenry happy also, thereby heightening their love for their societies (nations and countries). In addition, the importance of sea transportation with ships boats and sea-buses cannot be overemphasized in modern societies. They immensely help to move bulk goods and people from one sea-town to the other.

To say it all, a well planned and properly linked transportation modes (land—roads, rail, rivers and seas, and air) make societies modern; thereby also making their inhabitants modern in outlook and performance too. Citizens of nations where all transportation modes are planned, constructed to near-perfection, indeed nicely-linked and excellently-run, turnout to be happy and ever loving of their societies too (because it helps them to move seamlessly to take care of their personal and group needs). Nigeria can only do same if she wants her citizens to be patriotic, nationalistic and become more attached (thereby having unshakable sense of belonging) to their country. A good government can only do its best to satisfy her citizenry in this key modern need of its entire people.

11. Communication Channels: Information is power! Indeed, modern man and his societies cannot do without the various types of communication channels; doing this in order to keep his countries functioning at their optimum best. Quick, reliable and affordable communication channels, keeps citizens informed and also makes businesses (personal, public and corporate) to survive at their highest profitable levels. Radio, Television, Telephones (wireless and line), and indeed, all other types of modern communication channels including the ubiquitous Information Communication Technology (ICT), etc are very important towards enhancing life, and the living standards of citizens—therein and thereafter increasing their patriotism, nationalism and total attachment (i.e. sense of belonging) to their nations. Surely also, these said modern communication channels make modern societies loving places to live-in; and consequently makes the generality of their peoples happy and loving of their societies (countries and nations) too. In essence, they help in motivating citizens to exhibit at all times, their boisterous nationalism, patriotism and unquestionable sense of belonging to their motherland. Nigeria should therefore strive to provide all communication channels (which are key modern basic needs of citizens) to the generality of its people, because it will surely make them to love their Nigerian-habitation more and heighten their nationalistic and patriotic feelings towards the country. Their attachment (sense of belonging) will also be leveled-up without doubt.

12. Well Planned Environments and Sanitation: Definitely, a clean environment helps the life of individuals and their societies. Well planned environments (towns and cities) are attractable places to live-in by those who appreciate good things; and they surely encourage them to perform optimally in whatever they are engaged-in. Sanitation is making sure the environment is kept clean and healthy at all times. Nobody likes to live-in in dirty and filthy environments. Slums are despicable places to inhabit. Sicknesses are prevalent in unholy and unfriendly environments. In essence, everybody cherishes well planned and clean environments through well managed sanitary agencies of government. In totality therefore, it has become a key basic need of citizens that their environments must be planned and kept clean and healthy at all times. It then behooves on governments at all levels to provide this all-time and very important modern basic need, which when provided encourages the mass of the people to love and be attached to their country—meaning incubating and hatching nationalism, patriotism and sense of belonging at its best within and around the country. This is a clarion call to Nigeria as a nation-state.

13. Community and Social Relationship: Establishment of Community Centres with all recreational facilities and Town Halls, help modern societies in their social relationships (in interactions and integrations), and to be loving-places to live-in. Indeed, they have become modern basic need of citizens that makes them to properly connect socially within their communities; making them also to love and be totally attached to their places of residences (and by extension to their societies and countries). Developed nations have long realized this unique basic need of its citizens and have therefore strived to provide them in all communities and towns. Nigeria can only do better in doing this for the good and happiness of the generality of its people—so that nationalism, patriotism and sense of belonging will be further enhanced amongst the generality of its people(s) too.

In conclusion, it can only be said that the basic needs of modern man has increased from three (food, shelter and clothing) to thirteen (13) as itemized and briefly explained in this write-up. There are other needs, but citizens can strive on their own to provide those others for themselves. But when the listed thirteen (13) core basic needs in modern times are provided and made available, affordable and in abundance, societies that have done so make their citizens more loving of their countries. Citizen’s attachment (i.e. sense of belonging) to their countries also becomes unquestionable; and this also engenders the highest sense of Nationalism and Patriotism too. Therefore, Nigeria should strive to provide these thirteen (13) modern basic needs for all its citizens—making them available, affordable and in abundance at all times, in order to propel Nationalism, Patriotism and Sense of Belonging amongst the generality of its people(s) and citizens. This looks like a helpful agenda-setting write-up.

Written by Ejike Kingsley Osuji.

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