

“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks…” Old axiom

As 2015 approaches, the permutations are building, baring a miracle, the man with good luck from Otueke will have the day, all the APC noise may remain what it is, wishful noise…and the question will remain what is wrong with us as a people and what do we really want.

I have come to the conclusion that the problem of Nigeria is the lack of political leaders with the will too pursue the right path to success, some schools of though think otherwise…they say we have the men that can do it, the only problem is that these men do not have the money or the fraudulent political machinery to get to the top, in a phrase “they are clean”, way too clean. Others think that we deserve what we get, some feel we are confused and others see hope.

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Various arguments have their own merit, but in the next couple of lines I beg to introduce us to a man called Character, he is not a member of PDP, neither does he belong to APC, he does not fraternize with the clowns of APGA, or in a Labour ward.

He is not that ” beautiful” man among the present set of people harloting around with the “God sent me”, “I know I can solve the nation’s problem”, “I will continue with the reforms” and similar lines, that is different.

The dude is not any ex-Governor, looking for Senatorial immunity when he over the years could not pay teachers. He is not ex-General or ex- PDP, AC, DPP, PPP or P candidate.

He is not the man who is aging and promised that he won’t contest again but will still contest. This man that we need is a chap called Character, of the present lot masquerading how many of them have the name Character?

The man called Character is my, and should be our, not just by 2015 but today, that man/woman has broad ethnic affiliation, yet no regional bias. He is first a man of himself, no godfather, nor mother. He is the right man, think right, act right, be right man.

We need leadership that has character of purpose and that we need a change in the present Characters parading themselves as leaders.

We need a leadership with the right perception of what we want, where we are going.

For now, we can all see that in leadership right from Aso Rock to a tiny ward in far away Birnin Kebbi, Characters with essential tendency of corruption in the way they lead, act, treat citizenry is the norm, the blood that runs through the veins of those that are (s)elected to lead the affairs of this nation have become engine oil black from the treachery against the masses.

Character is easily kept than recovered. The unarguable truth is that try hard as the current elite feel that they can and want to lead us; it should be on our own terms not their own terms. Sadly we have no terms for engagement, as our characters too are flawed.

Our current system is one of parties with 1, 2, 3, 4 factions, because of a bankrupt character, a man selected on a political platform, on the excuse of how Kolanut was shared without him, moves to the next party.

We are saddled with the been there, done nothing crew, after rating their past performance it is obvious that they have failed before but knowing the nation for what we are, they will boldly want to take us for another jumbo ride of trial and error. Which is why sadly in many elective platforms what we have is a case of having to choose the lesser of two evils, forgetting that the two are still evil.

We need a leader that is like an angel with one wing and knows that the masses are the other wing and together we can fly embracing each other. We need that man called Character, a man above mediocrity, a man who like the present bunch is not part of the problem because we can never solve a problem on the level, which it was created.

I end by saying that, he that is cheated twice by the same man is an accomplice with the cheater…Where do we stand as part of this enterprise of Nigeria, is it ours, or theirs or for all of us and them. What we are afraid of doing is a clear indicator of what we need to do, our worries in the lack of leadership gradually is becoming a master to us.

Painfully you don’t teach an old dog new tricks, but you can try…. in the last few lines, I have not be talking about Ribadu, former presidential candidate now guber hopeful, I am not talking of Buhari or the man with many shoes at the Villa.

This is not about Rufai who tweets all day, or the PDP dudes that dance even while the nation is on fire, neither is it about the goons in APC that make it a habit of increasing school tuition and decreasing same.

This is not about stomach infrastructure, amala politics or social rehabilitation. The man I am talking about is you and I. We need to come out of our holed disguise, become men and women of character at home, at work, in school, in our worship places, we need to learn the new trick of being true to ourselves else we cannot be true to others—Do we want to change Nigeria–Only time will tell.

Yours In High Regards

Written by Prince Charles Dickson.
234-8033311301, 8057152301


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