

President Muhammadu Buhari (who wants to be seen to be presiding over all Nigerians-repeat: all Nigerians including Igbos and therefore be regarded as their president) has decided to exclude the Igbo people of the South Eastern part of Nigeria from his “key-inner-appointments (or appointees)”—indeed, as his “inner-core” assistants and into the “kitchen cabinet”; even non was appointed in his “security apparatus (Army, Navy, Airforce, State Security and National Security Advisory—who, if they meet and decide to deal with the Igbos—the “stubborn and useless Nyamiris and Omokobokobos,” there will not be any Igbo among them to argue against their intended wicked act atleast). This is Excellent! Bravo!! But this writer is dumbfounded!!!

Dumbfounded, because the letters of some sections of the National Constitution (The Supreme Law of the country) is subtly and subterraneanly being flawed and violated. Dumbfounded, because the after-effects of this kind of actions will be felt long after this time. Dumfounded, because this dangerous precedent (which will be wrongly re-enacted by other sections of the country when the presidential position is ‘their turn’) is being concretized. Dumbfounding, because, before Buhari got the approval to appoint his immediate aids (whom he excluded Igbos from) he got approval from The Senate—and Igbo Senators were among those who gave him the approval (only to be told later that none of their brothers/sisters are competent, trustworthy and possesses high integrity quotient to be so appointed). Dumbfounded, because this odious national embarrassment is being rationalized by cheap-propagandist—who do not mean totally well for the nation. Dumbfounded, because Igbos now know full well that other Nigerians are different-kind of co-national travelers in the same boat with them (second-time beaten and the true exhibition of ‘peacockorial’ colours). Dumbfounding, because a key tenet of  democracy that firmly upholds every individual’s choice to vote wherever they want, has been frontally affronted (remembering that President Buhari while in the USA in July, 2015, asserted that he will only appoint those who voted for him—his so-mentioned and well-recorded 95% voters for him and nothing for the 5% who did not vote for him—meaning: the Igbos and South Easterners and by extension: the whole Eastern Nigeria that in the majority/wholesomely voted for PDP). Dumbfounded, because myopic people, rationalizers and enemies of true nation-building have dealt a grievous and an upper-cut blow on the Nigerian nation-state through this warped, insidious and corrosive policy. Dumbfounding, because President Buhari is openly, frontally, firmly, logically or do we say: indirectly saying that he does not want Igbos around him as he carries-out his “self-assigned work-load on change (or ‘shange’- as some of our Northern brothers choose to pronounce it) and on the corruption-fight.” Dumbfounding, because many Igbos who campaigned for him in-and-around Igboland, in other parts of Nigeria, and overseas are now ashamed they did so in the first place—they feel like de-virgined girls: the bitter pill and reality is too strong for them to swallow! Too bad!!

Indeed, the President’s actions, through his first-level appointments, have been rationalized by those who think they know better than all others. They said the President has the right to appoint only competent people with the highest quotient of integrity. Even, the president has confirmed all these rationalizations (that may likely boomerang politically on the national platform), saying he has the right to appoint only trustworthy and known people to him (“what is wrong with that?” he questioned). Meaning in essence, that there are no competent, no people of integrity, and no trustworthy and no friends/known/close people to President Buhari in and from the whole of the South East (Igboland)? But in all, they (rationalizers) want them (Igbos) to see and uphold him (President Buhari) respectfully as their President too. Is this totally (repeat: totally) possible? Human nature definitely contests this kind of fact and reality too!

Now, they ask Igbos to wait for the next round of appointments by President Buhari! Telling them (Igbos) that they could be lucky the next time around to be appointed. Who does not know when shit is being rubbed-in? Who does not know when the crumbs are being thrown to or at him/her? Indeed, other appointments are not “inner-core appointments.” They are far from the engine-room and therefore only aid the engine to aid the train to move at its own speed.

How come the President, Senate President, Speaker of The Federal House of Representatives, Chief Justice of the Federation, The Secretary to The Federal Government, The Head of Service of The Federation, Key Permanent  Secretaries of key Federal Ministries, The Chief of Army Staff, The Chief Of Air Staff, The Director of The Department of State Security, Chief Security Adviser, Comptroller of Immigration, Controller-General of Customs, Acting INEC Chairman, Managing Director of NIMASA, Managing Director of SEC, The Corps Marshall of FRSC, etc. etc. are all from one side of the Tripod-Seat (whose sitting-outlook is now dangerously tilting and may collapse–thereby wounding the nation-sitters in general). This is indeed worrisome! Then the question now is: Will those who are now benefitting from the skewed-seating arrangement complain when others do what is emplaced now (which is actually rammed-into their throats and asked not to complain)? Indeed, the sitting positions on the rickety-tripod-chair must one day change: those who are sitting on what is considered as comfortable positions today will exchange positions to seat at the presently considered uncomfortable positions in the future—that is The Way of Mother Nature!

Surely, South Easterners are keenly watching the drama as it unfolds. They are not complaining-disturbingly, neither are they maiming or killing others as this rubbing-it-in-hard film plays-out: therefore, these others who are administratively gang-raping them now, should do same when it is “their turn” to sit where the presently ravaged damsel sits today, “chikina!” Yes! Igbos are now asked to accept their fate; to indeed wait and accept the “crumb-appointments” as they fall from the master’s table! Will they? And how best will they chew the nasty-bone like dogs? Like dogs whom they are asked to emulate now, the bone (Ministerial and other appointments) are their rights as constitutionally enshrined. Indeed, dogs are assured by Mother Nature and their masters that bones will be their crumbs to chew, but this hard-delicacy may be too much an assignment for human beings like Igbos to easily and comfortably chew. So, if their (Igbos) portion is the bone as the vociferous propagandist and rationalizers want us to accept, a further question is: what favour is anyone doing to  them?

In all, my take on this bad-joke playing-out, is that somebody is trying very hard to push Igbos into the opposition. But my prognosis is that they may not play the role very well: they may not become good stage-characters for the role; and therefore, the nation may be worst for it. Let us all watch and see! Also, methinks that somebody is trying to remind them that they were won in a bloody war against them—a very bloody war indeed against a supposed brother: therefore, let God come and fight for them. He will surely do it and His name shall be further Glorified and Forevermore!! Quote me!!!

Written by Ejike Kingsley Osuji, MSc.
[email protected]


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