

There is no doubt the President Muhammadu Buhari (PMB) led   administration is on a uphill mission against militants who are taking   down oil installations in the oil rich South-south. Production and sales   volume of crude production has dived to it’s abysmal low, income from   sales stalled, with resounding negative implication on the economy.

With the global oil price crash, glut, escalating Dollar strength   against the Naira and yawning reality of plundered economy, PMB and his   lieutenants in the business of managing a challenged economy is indeed a   matter that should attract pity. Sadly, some decisions taken by these   lieutenants are puerile and without direction.   Going to Niger Republic to construct 1000 km pipeline to Kaduna might   just appear a bit too extreme a measure regardless of the   considerations. Whoever marketed that idea may have done it only to   secure interests based mainly on self rather than national growth and   developmental imperatives.

If the rationale behind the planned construction of 1000km pipeline from   Agadem in Niger Republic to Kaduna refinery is premised on the constant   pipeline blow ups in the Niger Delta, one would want to forgive the   shallow thought around the despicable idea.   Our government should be seen scheming possible ways to marshal out   plans to overcome uprising within or about its territorial boundaries.

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It is however interesting to note that the Niger Delta blow ups is not   even the remote reason for the idea. According to Ndu Nghamaduon, Group   General Manager, Public Affairs Division;   “Due to challenges with the aged refinery and crude oil pipelines that   had been breached severally, the operations of the refinery has been   epileptic. This, we are determined to resolve through various   intervention methods including evaluation of alternative crude oil   supply from Niger Republic through building of a pipelines of over 1,   000 kilometers from Agadem to Kaduna.“

The wisdom behind connecting crude from Niger Republic is still fussy   and for now makes no sense to me. Lets assume government is going to   trade refined petroleum products for their crude and no cash exchange   involved, how long will that kind of agreement last? Has anyone thought   of the amount of money the project will gulp in this hard time or what   that kind of money will do in strengthening the oil sector?

If vandalization and age induced rot has affected the pipelines carrying   crude form Escravos- Warri to Kaduna, wouldn’t it be cheaper to fix   the pipelines, get security operatives, acquire surveillance drones to   secure a hitch free flow of crude in terms of retaining national asset,   product ownership than the planned perpetual importation? I am very sure   other pipeline routes across the country are in need of repairs, is FG   going to construct new lines from contiguous countries producing crude?   About the continuous bombing of oil installations in the Niger Delta, I   have opined on several occasions that it is the hand work of past   corrupt Nigerians either to distract the present administration or force   them to abandon the on going fight against corruption. My take however   is that it is time for government to scale up none-violent actions to   end the impasse. Sadly, it’s not the bursting of pipelines in parts of   the country that has informed the Agadem/Kaduna planned pipeline   project.

Other factors that may have informed the bombings of oil installations   beside corrupt Nigerians is the growing agitations by those renewing the   call for sovereign state of Biafra. The most unfortunate reason is the   seeming general view of Niger Deltans who believe the North is leeching   on the oil producing states. It would have made more sense if government   put more effort at exploiting acclaimed oil finds in the Niger/Benue   basins.

We must wake up to the realization that even the good intentions of PMB   alone cannot take Nigeria anywhere except with the cooperation of people   with right thinking mental process to galvanize the economy. We must   also realize that continuous hailing under our evolving circumstance can   never, has never helped any government. It is indeed time to offer   patriotic criticism.

It is no longer news that when he removed road blocks we hailed, he   replaced same road blocks we hailed. He engaged full Treasury Single   Account (TSA) we hailed, economy went from bad to worse on its full   implementation among other factors we blamed the PDP.  Anti-corruption   comments scared foreign investors away, FOREX crashed and we are still   hailing and throwing blames around.   We must think properly to get the ship of nationhood out of the present   economic Tsunami. Already we are on economic ring of fire where all   manner of disasters keep bashing the already battered economy of a   country well endowed with human and natural resources. We must wear our   thinking cap to realize that whatever plans with Niger Republic on the   crude export can never be like maintaining our own oil   installations/facilities.

Written by Israel A. Ebije.

[email protected][email protected] or@ebijeisrael.com


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