Pastor Tunde Bakare of Latter Rain Church is a Pastor with fierceness in two ways, build Church and build Nation.

He probably understands that physical and economic welfare in the place of origin is better for Faith in JESUS, than in a society of many flaws.

The Pastor, out of his comfort zone, has passionately spoken about national development and poor leadership in the nation.

The Pastor has been courageous, speaks truth to power, risking much and showing selflessness.

The Pastor, on lots of measures, is outstanding. He pursues Salvation for his people. The smartness of the Pastor fascinates many, consistently so, for decades.

Closely and from afar, he mentored lots of activists. He did much in the pursuit of change.

However, it is clear to everyone that while it is possible to see obvious reasons why underdevelopment persists, it is possible to say the reason for slow development is complicated.

Leadership is a problem in Nigeria and across Africa, but what if leadership is not just the problem?

It is possible to blame the electorate, but what if the electorate isn’t just the problem?

Over the years, there’ve been multiple programs in different communities and places at any time. But how come progress is generally slow?

There have been changes, adjustments to project finance, strategy, shape, duration, yet progress is out of reach, even in cases of near absolute credibility. What else could be wrong that cannot be defined?

The pull of protests and criticisms has been powerful in civilizations – through history. There have been so many stories where authorities backed down or went with the demands of the people. It is expected that leaders listen when the collective roars.

In Africa though, with the sociology of the people, criticisms, protests or dissatisfaction aren’t necessarily respected.

There are leaders who have been able to cheapen activism and criticism because of how some wield it deceitfully. There are many others who are just selfish or think they are untouchable. There are some leaders who find the individual agenda of leading activists and buy them.

Criticisms and protests, however necessary, is not sustainable nation building.

Assuming someone had created a vision, for a way to solve street hawking – directly or indirectly, in Africa, just a decade ago, regardless of what government or what corruption, if the idea is great, it could have become a major way to fight poverty across the land.

Even if a state or region is resistant, there are others, if a country is resistant, there are others. When they see it’s working elsewhere, by shame, for impact or the optics, lagging leaders will come by.

What seems like a reachable goal, with a great idea and workable strategy would be useful to the people and nations, giving protests new powers in other angles.

The measure of height for a human being is not in comparison to ants, so it is that the worst of Nigeria at any point in its current democracy is better than at least forty nations in Africa in everything.

Nigeria is tough, yes, but Africa is difficult and life is hard. Nigeria is subject to the ways of black people and ways of Africa. Assuming there is no supremacy of criticism in many places, development goals would have been exported from the country to others like it, near or far.

Just like in Christianity where there is the message to change, and then power to be changed, so is it that criticism just like that will make people go everywhere trying to remove something from the eyes of others without certainty that the problem is solved by words.

There are also people who think criticism means smartness, intelligence, enlightenment or development. That is not the case.

Still, in the measure of passion, Pastor Bakare wants change for the nation.

The Pastor was a member of RCCG. He spoke about how he started model parishes of the Church, and have at times voiced disagreements with some of the ways of the lead Pastor of RCCG.

There are things to disagree with the Pastor – in general, but focus on that is to forget that Christianity is looking unto JESUS, the Author and Finisher of the Christian Faith.

And even if it looks like people like the Pastor, there are many who aren’t sycophants. They’re doing their service in worship to JESUS nothing about the Pastor.

It is possible that assuming he stayed back in the Church some larger opportunities in national politics would have opened up for him. Though, great men don’t dwell on what ifs.

He needed his own space, freedom and leadership, but ultimately, the enemies of the Church are more than the enemies in the Church, however, their potency for danger, varies.

There are lots of scientific and archeological evidence attacking Christianity. One of the major goals of Christ’s people is to get revelation for answers and more answers.

If people don’t believe Christianity, it will be difficult for them to change and evil may prevail.

Pastor Bakare also disagreed with Winners’ Chapel Head Bishop over a comment.

It is impossible to be a Minister of GOD and not have some disagreeable interpretation, of some sort of the Scriptures, or just broader explanation.

A verse maybe interpreted in several ways, a parable also, but without tolerance either from knowing or learning at the feet of JESUS, it may sow seeds of separation.

Pastor Bakare reacted to criticisms and hate to those against Christianity in recent years on social media.

The extraordinary intellect of Pastor Bakare could take on any external enemy of the Church, but if harmony in the body of Christ was askew, ease of joining forces may be slight.

Pastor Bakare and Candidate Buhari, in their presidential aspiration a decade ago visited RCCG’s expressway headquarters, what would have been his second home.

In general, Christianity is not criticism. Christ ferociously denounced hypocrites, also as lessons for those to repent. His banner is love. And since He created people, He reserves the right to say anything.

The friends of Job were saying what they know about GOD’s judgement, but the LORD – in the end, said Job spoke right not his friends.

Because of the flood of criticism of the government, it made people abandon the things they can do with their power – corporate, academic, professional, etc. – for the good of the country.

Nation building in some past empires spanned from class, to sector, to intellect, to everyone, not just government.

The Protestant Reformation was a half millennium ago, though it allowed for proliferation of Churches, there will be new paths for correctness.

[Matthew 22:21, They say unto him, Caesar’s. Then saith He unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto GOD the things that are GOD’s.]

*** Written by Nneka Okumazie.


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