NewsMilitary Base Captured, Soldiers Killed As Hamas Launches Surprise Attack On Israel

Military Base Captured, Soldiers Killed As Hamas Launches Surprise Attack On Israel

October 07, (THEWILL) – Palestine’s backed Hamas militants, on Saturday, launched a surprise offensive attack, crossing the fence into Israeli-occupied cities with a heavy barrage of rockets from the Gaza Strip.

Hamas’ armed wing said more than 5,000 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel on Saturday, declaring it had started “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood”.

“We decided to put an end to all the crimes of the occupation, their time for rampaging without being held accountable is over. We announce Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and we fired, in the first strike of 20 minutes, more than 5,000 rockets,” Hamas said.

Gaza-based Islamic Jihad said its fighters have joined the operation as Hamas called on Palestinians everywhere to fight and on resistance groups in Lebanon to join the fighting against Israel.

“We are part of this battle, our fighters are side-by-side with their brothers in the Qassam Brigades until victory is achieved,” said Islamic Jihad Armed Wing Spokesman, Abu Hamza, in a post on Telegram.

“This storm, which started from Gaza, will spread to the West Bank and outside the country and all the places where our people and nation are present, Hamas Politburo Chief, Ismail Haniyeh, said.

Haniyeh called the operation historic and epic, saying the main reason for its start was the “criminal aggression of the Zionists in Al-Aqsa Mosque, which had reached its peak in recent days.”

Palestinians in Gaza expressed disbelief at the infiltration into the territories occupied by Israel.

“It is like a dream. I still can’t believe it, fighters inside our occupied land?” said one Gaza shopkeeper, quoted by Reuters.

Senior Hamas Military Commander, Mohammad Deif, said, “This is the day of the greatest battle to end the last occupation on earth.”

He said Palestinian resistance fighters struck numerous Israeli targets, including airports and military facilities.

“Today, the wrath of our nation and righteous fighters is boiling over. This is your day to make the enemy understand that its time has come to an end,” the top commander stated.

Palestinian sources, however, reported the death of a number of Israeli soldiers and settlers. One video near the separation wall purportedly showed a Merkava tank on fire, with several Palestinian youths perched on top.

A witness reporting from the scene is heard saying that the operators of the tank had been captured and taken to Gaza. One video purportedly shows an Israeli soldier being ridden pillion on a motorbike in the custody of two Palestinians and taken to Gaza.

Another video circulating on social media showed large black plumes of smoke and fires from a suspected impact site in Ashkelon.

In Gaza, the roar of rocket launches could be heard and residents reported armed clashes along the separation fence with Israel, near the Southern town of Khan Younis, and said they had seen significant movement of armed fighters.

Meanwhile, the Israeli Army has confirmed the capture of its Commander, Brigadier General Aloni, by Hamas

The State Rescue Service, Magen David Adom (MDA), said the Hamas assault left at least 40 people dead and over 779 injured,

Israel’s ambulance service said teams had been dispatched to areas in Southern Israel near Gaza and residents were warned to stay inside.

Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, declared that the country was “at war”.

“We are at war, not in an operation or rounds, but at war,” Netanyahu said in a video statement, adding that Hamas, the Palestinian militant movement that runs Gaza, had “launched a murderous surprise attack against the State of Israel and its citizens.”

Netanyahu said operations were underway to clear out militants from infiltrated towns and that he had also issued a call-up of reservists.


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