Entertainment & SocietyHarrysong Regains Freedom

Harrysong Regains Freedom

October 12, (THEWILL) – Nigerian singer, Harrison Tare Okiri, aka Harrysong, has finally regained his freedom from police custody.

The singer took to his Instagram page to make his first official post after his release.

Sharing a picture of himself sitting in his car, he called for his fans to play him a song. He also revealed that he will share details of his agreement and settlement with Soso Soberekon.


“I’m out & ok. As I no die.

“We’re good now. Details of our agreement and settlement, live on my Instagram by 11 pm”, he wrote.

His release from custody happened after he apologized to Soberekon.

The singer was arrested on his arrival in Lagos on Tuesday. His arrest happened after he publicly called out Soberekon, accusing him of making an attempt on his life.


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