Udeme Utip, THEWILL


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Govt Agency To Ensure Efficient Tracking Of Food Distribution

April 16, (THEWILL) - The chairman of the Bulk Purchase Scheme for various food items of the present administration in Akwa Ibom State, Rt...

APC Advocacy Group Praises Gov Eno, PDP Leadership in A’Ibom

April 14, (THEWILL)- An advocacy group acting under the aegis of “Renewed Hope Agenda” has celebrated the development strides of Akwa Ibom State Governor,...

APC Advocacy Group Praises Umo Eno, PDP Leadership In Akwa Ibom

April 12, (THEWILL)- An advocacy group in the aegis of “Renewed Hope Agenda” has celebrated the development strides of Akwa Ibom State Governor, Pastor...

Senator Bassey Advocates Peace, Regional Integration For ECOWAS Growth

April 11, (THEWILL)- The Senator representing Akwa Ibom North East, Senator Aniekan Bassey, has advocated peace and proper integration of member nations of the...

Eid-el-Fitr: Gov Eno Institutes N200m Interest-Free Loan For Muslims, Non-Indigenes In Akwa Ibom

April 11, (THEWILL) - The governor of Akwa Ibom State, Pastor Umo Eno, has instituted an interest-free loan to the tune of N200 million...