Udeme Utip, THEWILL


Exclusive articles:

COVID-19 Vaccination In Akwa Ibom: Who Next?

BEVERLY HILLS, March 14, (THEWILL) - When Akwa Ibom State Government received Covid-19 vaccines from the Federal Government recently, the commissioner for health, Prof Augustine...

Oil/Gas Giants Plan Headquarters in Akwa Ibom

BEVERLY HILLS, March 11, (THEWILL) - The Association of Oil and Gas/Petroleum Marketers of Nigeria has concluded plans to cite the Headquarters of the...

Akwa Ibom Government Takes Delivery of Covid-19 Vaccines

BEVERLY HILLS, March 11, (THEWILL) - Akwa Ibom State Government Wednesday, March 10, 2021 took delivery of 69,030 doses of AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine from...

Support New Wage Bill And Get Recalled, A’Ibom NLC Warns Legislators

BEVERLY HILLS, March 10, (THEWILL) - Akwa Ibom’s chapter of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has threatened to recall any National Assembly member from...

Akwa Ibom First Lady Identifies Male Relatives As Rapists, Puts Mothers On Red Alert

BEVERLY HILLS, March 10, (THEWILL) - The wife of Governor Emmanuel Udom of Akwa Ibom State, Dr. Martha Udom Emmanuel, has submitted that trusted...