Global NewsTributes As Desmond Tutu's Funeral Holds In Cape Town

Tributes As Desmond Tutu’s Funeral Holds In Cape Town

January 01, (THEWILL) – The requiem mass for the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu began on Saturday morning in Cape Town’s Anglican cathedral, a ceremony he had arranged himself and which he wanted to be sober and simple.

The ceremony is going ahead after more than 2,000 people on Thursday and Friday visited the cathedral, where Tutu’s body was lying in state.

Tutu, died last Sunday aged 90. His death has prompted an outpouring of grief among South Africans as thousands paid their respects at St George’s Cathedral where his body has been lying in state in a simple casket.

Tutu had insisted there should be “no ostentatiousness or lavish spending” on the ceremony and that he be given “the cheapest available coffin”.

He also said the only flowers in the cathedral should be a “bouquet of carnations from his family”, according to the Archbishop Tutu IP Trust and the Desmond and Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation.

Tutu’s coffin is made of clear pine following his request that it be “the least expensive possible” despite South African funerals often serving as an opportunity to show that one has spent lavishly on the deceased.

There are no gold handles, just simple pieces of rope to carry it, reminiscent of the sober belt of the Franciscan friars. On top, a bouquet of white carnations. Archbishop Tutu did not want any other flowers in the church.

His ashes are to be interred behind the pulpit at St George’s Cathedral in Cape Town, the Anglican diocese he served as Archbishop for 35 years.

THEWILL learnt that Tutu is to be aquamated – a process using water, that is described as an environmentally friendly alternative to cremation.

Grey skies and a light drizzle welcomed Tutu’s family and friends to St George’s Cathedral, but also the widow of the country’s last white president FW de Klerk and many priests arrived at the church in dribs and drabs.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa will deliver the main eulogy at the official state funeral. He is to present Tutu’s widow, “Mama Leah” as she is fondly called by South Africans, with a national flag, the only military tribute allowed here.

A close and long-time friend of Archbishop Tutu, former Bishop Michael Nuttall, has been chosen by the deceased to deliver the sermon. When Tutu was Archbishop, Nuttall was his “number two”.

Former Irish president Mary Robinson will also take part in the reading of the universal prayer, in the presence of Letsie III, the king of neighbouring Lesotho, and a representative of the Dalai Lama, with whom Tutu exchanged memorable laughs.

“Desmond Tutu lit up the world”, the Archbishop of Canterbury said in a video message to the mass on Saturday. He added that his paying tribute to Tutu was “like a mouse giving a tribute to an elephant”.

For his funeral, Tutu chose, in his last message to men, the passage from the Gospel according to St John where Jesus addresses his disciples after their last meal. A message of love. “My commandment is this: Love one another as I have loved you.”

Tutu was a tireless opponent of the racist apartheid regime in South Africa and a Nobel Peace Prize winner. He coined the phrase “rainbow country” after its fall and chaired the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which he hoped would turn the page on racial hatred by bringing together perpetrators and victims.

In Soweto, where he preached for many years, he denounced the violence against high school students during the riots of June 1976, which were put down in blood.

Little by little, he became the voice of Nelson Mandela, locked up on Robben Island. The police and the army threatened him but his dress saved him from prison.

“They wanted him dead, but for some reason we can’t explain, it never happened. He would go into the church, say mass and leave.”

During demonstrations, “he was a shield for us”, recalled Panyaza Lesufi, now a senior member of the ANC, the historic party still in power.

Mandela’s widow, Graça Machel, spoke of the “indescribable courage” it took to stand up to the regime.

“He stood resolute and fearless at the front of the demonstrations, his clerical robe fluttering in the wind, his cross a shield”,  she described

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