NewsTerrorists Abduct Commuters On Abuja-Kaduna Expressway

Terrorists Abduct Commuters On Abuja-Kaduna Expressway

May 17, (THEWILL) – Terrorists have reportedly abducted an unspecified number of commuters on the Abuja-Kaduna Expressway on Tuesday.

Reports claimed that the presence of the assailants had led to a standstill on the expressway.

A Facebook user, Hf Dauda MoiSoro, had posted, “Motorists are at a standstill on the Abuja-Kaduna Highway.”


He subsequently updated the information, saying, “Many people just Kidnapped! Inna lillahi wa Inna ilaihin raji’un”.

Similarly, a counterterrorism expert, @mobilisingniger, also tweeted on Tuesday saying, “JUST IN: Reports confirmed that bandits attacked commuters at Katari along the Kaduna–Abuja Expressway. A number of persons were kidnapped. About five or six commercial buses were empty. The security agencies are currently on ground”.

THEWILL reports that the incident occurred 50 days after terrorists abducted no fewer than 62 passengers from an inbound Kaduna-Abuja train after detonating an explosive on the railway track.

The Kaduna Police Command has not issued any statement on the incident.

The spokesperson of the Command, Muhammad Jalige, did not respond to calls placed on his phone lines.

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