HeadlineRevealed: Islamic State Sneaks Fighters Into Nigeria In Exchange Programme

Revealed: Islamic State Sneaks Fighters Into Nigeria In Exchange Programme

SAN FRANCISCO, June 19, (THEWILL) – In what has been described as a “terror exchange programme”, Commmanders of the Islamic State (IS) have been sneaking jihadists into Nigeria from Syria to train them for possible attacks.

According to a report by The Sun of London, insiders feared that strong links and regular flights between Lagos and London could “export evil and terror to British streets despite our counter-terror efforts” in Nigeria.

The strong links between Nigeria and the UK, it is believed, would “make it easier for IS to send its killers to attack the UK and bring more death and destruction.”


The report quoted a senior Nigerian Air Force (NAF) Commander Group Captain Isaac Subi, as saying:

“They come and train their fighters here and some of our insurgents too are granted access to their training in Yemen and Syria, acquiring those skills and they come back and teach others.

“They have this exchange programme of fighters.

“There are hundreds of fighters. It’s a virus that spreads across our borders. Their action leaves trails of blood and tears and sorrow.”

Group Captain Subi, 46, who has been fighting terrorism in Africa since 1999, reportedy made the comment at one training mission in Kaduna, where British forces have been training Nigerian troops.

There are 150 British trops currently on counter-terror training with Nigerian forces in an attempt to stem the bloody tide and prevent IS taking hold of West Africa.

They have so far trained 35,000 Nigerian soldiers.


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