HeadlineUpdate I: Release Jonathan’s Former ADC Now – Court Orders EFCC, Anti-Graft...

Update I: Release Jonathan’s Former ADC Now – Court Orders EFCC, Anti-Graft Agency Says He’s In Military’s Custody

SAN FRANCISCO, March 01, (THEWILL) – The Federal Capital Territory, FCT, High Court in Jabi, Abuja, on Tuesday ordered the Economic and Financial Commission Crimes Commission, EFCC, to immediately release ex-Aide de Camp, ADC, to former President Goodluck Jonathan, Ojogbane Adegbe, on bail.

Justice Yusuf Halilu categorically asked the commission to release Adegbe on bail on liberal terms pending his arraignment in court for any offence, stressing that the law should be even-handed between the government and an individual.

While wondering why the EFCC constituted itself into a “police station”, he stressed that the anti-graft agency must act within the limits of the law and that the EFCC had no right to detain an individual at will. He maintained that it was unconstitutional for the agency to keep Adegbe in detention for more than 24 hours.


Ruling on a fundamental human rights enforcement suit filed by Adegbe, the judge, however, refused the plaintiff’s ‎prayer for N100m compensation for unlawful detention by the EFCC and request for written apology from the anti-graft agency.

THEWILL had exclusively reported on February 26, 2016, that the EFCC had transferred Adegbe to the military after holding him for about two weeks. 

Confirming our story before the ruling was delivered, counsel to Adegbe, Ogwu Onoja informed the court that the EFCC had transferred his client to a military facility after granting him bail on stringent conditions. This was not objected to by the counsel to the EFCC, Musu Denga.

Justice Halilu however stated that his ruling was binding not only on the EFCC, but also on any agency keeping the former ADC in detention.

It would be recalled that Adegbe had last month dragged the EFCC to court to challenge his arrest and continued detention by the anti-graft agency since February 11. ‪


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