Entertainment & SocietyR Kelly Placed On Suicide Watch - Attorney Reveals

R Kelly Placed On Suicide Watch – Attorney Reveals

July 02, (THEWILL) – Embattled singer, R Kelly’s attorney says that the disgraced singer is now on a suicide watch.

Recall that Kelly was recently sentenced to 30 years in prison, on federal racketeering and sex trafficking charges.

His attorney, Jennifer Bonjean, said he was put on a watch list, even though he had no intentions to harm himself.

She insisted that placing him under suicide watch was a violation of his constitutional rights against cruel and unusual punishment.

“The irony of putting someone on suicide watch when they’re not suicidal is, it actually causes more harm”, Bonjean said.

“It’s punishment for being high-profile. And it’s horrifying frankly. To put someone under suicide watch under those conditions is cruel and unusual when they don’t need it.”

Complex adds that inmates who are placed on suicide watch are typically confined to a single bare-bones cell that is frequently monitored by prison staff.

These inmates are usually given tear-free smocks and tear-free sheets, and are prohibited from taking showers, shaving, or eating their meals with utensils.


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