
There is sometimes an expectation for a Pastor to deliver big in sermons, delivering points from the Scriptures, using anecdotes, crosslinking inspirational samples, seem relatable, sound quite smart and not discuss much on judgement.

This standard or around it defines what interests many or draws them towards certain preachers – making it easy to pick one, or some, and reject others.

The constancy to be supercharged can sometimes take away focus, solely in the Word of GOD.

Though interpretation – of Scripture – is important to apply to situation, but centralizing on Scriptures is more important – in a Church sermon, than anything else.

The Pastor of the Redeemed Church does what can be described as simple sermons. He seems focused on Salvation. He likes to share his version of Christianity in what has worked for him. He also seems radically unflinching on many of the doctrinal interpretation of Scripture – he understands.

Assuming some Christians of his age group would address him, they’d probably call him the Faith guy.

He seems to believe completely in the Word of GOD – doubting nothing, even if physical evidence is askew.

He likes to use certain stories, connecting themes to them. He likes to also end messages with call of Salvation. He has a pattern of explaining in simple terms, experiences or knowledge some may not have.

The Pastor ensures to focus on the LORD in his messages. Sometimes, it is like the messages are a continuation of worship, offering praise to JESUS – by discussing miracles, mercy and wonders.

The Pastor also says to the Church people what he hears from the LORD. He seems to like testimonies, happy for the people, giving glory back to GOD – the Giver.

The Pastor seems super cerebral, but doesn’t seem to put that above JESUS – the Author and Finisher of the Christian Faith.

It is not impossible that the Pastor will be extremely familiar with lots of philosophy, history, sociology, psychology, theology and science, but does not necessarily inject them in his messages.

This omission adds to a reason why lots of people attack him on social media – like those subjects are superior to the Scriptures or like knowledge of those have any power to win against besetting sin.

There are so many people – who go to other Churches, but have a problem with the Church and the Pastor. Their view of him is from their own understanding of how much they rate their thinking or logic.

They forget that the future of social media they mostly use to attack him is already concluded.

There are people on social media tuned to a frequency of messages that is unhealthy for the mind.

There will be people in a few years that may tilt badly – in delusions and hallucinations because of their use of social media.

There are people now who think they know enough to say whatever but hardly understand that truly knowing is to wonder about depths yet unknown.

There are lots of people who anchor their intelligence to certain profiles or exposures, yet are completely clueless about solving world’s problems.

There are lots of activisms on different causes. There are a lot of points on how to approach inequities, but none of the critics of the Church can propose, reliably, to fix national or global unemployment.

There are strange addiction problems that no subject can solve. There are some wayward, wayward young people that no one around them understands why.

Yes, people use the disclaimer that they don’t have all the answers, which is equal to they don’t have all the understanding.

Arguing against the GOD, a Spirit is like having no knowledge about air resistance, yet arguing that there’s no way a hammer and feather falls at the same time – anywhere.

Some may say they have questions, or why evil?

There are answers from the Scriptures, but if an individual will not believe, the Creator determines whatever He determines.

Sometimes, when something is unknown, it is better to be reticent. Criticism is easier than breathing.

Some think having a good line of insult on social media is sweet – they should go and ask people who can tell what happened to some people who couldn’t take insult or multiples, driving them into something else.

The Pastor may not seem wise to some, satisfactory, or motivating, but the Pastor seems to be on his journey to Heaven, looking to take others, but ultimately focused on Christ, the Savior.

[Acts 4:13, Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with JESUS.]

*** Written by Nneka Okumazie.



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