The Nigerian Humanist Movement (NHM) was founded in 1996 and the main   goal was to provide an alternative to religion and a sense of community   to non-religious and non-theistic persons. This was a period when the   country was under military dictatorship and human rights abuses were   rampant. Fear and uncertainty reigned during General Abacha’s military   regime and provided subsoil for the spread of religion and superstition.

This situation called for the urgency of an outlook that emphasized   individual liberty and tolerance, reason and critical thinking, and   other skeptical and secular values. NHM came into being to serve this   purpose and fulfill this need.

The movement started by reaching out to people of like minds through its   newsletter, the Humanist Concern, later the Humanist Inquirer and then   the Nigerian Humanist. The initial contacts were mainly lecturers and   students in Imo, Lagos, Edo and Oyo states. The pioneer members were   mainly philosophy teachers and students or youths who were curious and   wanted to know more about humanism.

From 1998, NHM started organizing meetings and talks at the University   of Ibadan. Some of those who made presentations at these talks included   late Prof Olusegun Oladipo and Prof Niyi Osundare. Through its   newsletters, the movement highlighted issues such as ritual killing,   landmines, child labor and exploitation, witchcraft accusations, and   religious extremism. There was a lot of debate on whether atheism or   humanism was the appropriate label for non-religious and non-theistic   persons. Due to the stigma that was associated with atheism, many   attendees then did not feel comfortable with the label of atheism.

To build the organization and improve its operational capacity, I   affiliated NHM with various international groups. I represented NHM at   the World Humanist Congress in India in 1999 and shortly after the   event; the movement joined the world humanist body, the International   Humanist and Ethical Union, (IHEU) in London. NHM remains a member of   this body till date.

In 2001, NHM, with the support of the Council for Secular Humanism,   organized the first international humanist conference in sub-Saharan   Africa. The conference was held in Ibadan in South west Nigeria. Shortly   after the event, the Center for inquiry-Nigeria was established. NHM   worked closely with African American for Humanism, which was a CFI   branch, and other affiliates of the organization. In 2002, NHM joined   the Atheist Alliance International.   With very limited financial membership, these affiliations provided   resources for the growth and administration of the movement. Occasional   funding from these umbrella organizations helped defray the costs of   conventions, lectures and meetings in Ibadan, Calabar, Ikenne, Lagos,   Benin, Port Harcourt, Owerri, Uyo, Abuja and the formation of campus   groups and state humanist chapters.

Humanist delegates from across the nation attended these events   including freethinkers and atheists from northern states such as Kano,   Benue, Bauchi, and Plateau.  For so many years, the movement used the   postal system, which was slow and unreliable to coordinate its   membership and activities. However, the advent of the Internet   revolutionized the way humanism was organized because the virtual space   became a vital resource for humanists to connect, meet and interact with   each other.      Humanists and other non-theists from different states in the country and   beyond are now part of the group on face book [1]. Though there is a   growing online presence of other free thought initiatives, the groups in   Lagos, Abuja, and Jos in Plateau state have been very active and have   organized separate events.  In fact, one of the NHM affiliates, the   Humanist Assembly of Lagos will be hosting the African Youth Humanist   Day event this year. Some of the NHM affiliates network on what apps,   twitter or facebook. The digital age looks promising for humanism in   Nigeria.

In addition, NHM has been a trailblazer in administering ceremonies. The   movement organized a humanist funeral for its late Chair, Eze Ebisike   who died in 2013. Equally, I conducted in 2014 the humanist wedding for   Becca and Charles, who were active members of the Abuja group when they   were living in Nigeria.

NHM members and affiliates campaigned for the release of Bala Mubarak,   an ex-Muslim who was consigned to a mental hospital in Kano after he   renounced the Islamic faith. The movement has in the past two decades   worked to provide support to victims of ritual killing in Owerri, to   alleged witches in Uyo and Calabar, as well as victims of caste   discrimination in southeastern Nigeria. NHM lobbied against the anti-gay   marriage bill that former president, Goodluck Jonathan later signed into   law.

In the past 20 years, NHM has recorded significant achievements. Thanks   to the movement’s campaigns and activities, increasing number of   non-religious and non-theistic Nigerians have been going open and public   with their humanist identity. Real and virtual active members have been   increasing in number.

Nonetheless, these achievements could possibly not come without any   challenges. In Muslim majority states, openly identifying as an atheist   remains a dangerous undertaking. Blasphemy and apostasy are crimes   punishable by death. Free thought views and commentaries are easily   construed as forms of blasphemy, or as insulting Muhammed, Islam or   Allah. For those who live under sharia law, freedom from religion is   still a human right that dares not mention its name.

In addition, limited funding made it difficult to sustain many of our   campaigns and programs. NHM was unable to extend support to many victims   of religion or superstition based abuses. The refusal by Nigerian   authorities to register NHM and the attack by Helen Ukpabio and her   Liberty Gospel church members, including the court litigation which they   brought against me highlighted the risks and difficulties in organizing   humanism in a country where some persons have vested interests in   religion and superstition.

Despite the challenges that NHM faced in the last 20 years, the future   is bright and promising. Notwithstanding the pervasiveness of   religiosity in the country, the threat of Boko Haram and violent   extremism, there are prospects for humanism and free thought in Nigeria.   And NHM is poised to take humanism to the next level in the coming   years.

In the next two decades, NHM and its affiliates plan to step up its work   and campaigns in all the 36 states including Abuja to ensure that all   Nigerians who seek an alternative to religious dogma and superstition   find it. The movement will strengthen the mechanism to support   ex-muslims and other non-theistic persons who live in muslim majority   states. Promotion of freedom of religion or belief will be high on the   agenda with emphasis on freedom from religion. NHM will revive its   campus free thought movement and support the establishment of   freethinking or critical thinking clubs on all campuses across the   country. Nigeria needs secular student groups to promote secular values   and ideas on campuses.

The provision of a sense of community to all non-theistic Nigerians will   be a priority and the movement will ensure that humanist ceremonies are   conducted for all non-theists who desire such celebrations. NHM will   strive to extend humanist solidarity to all who suffer due to dogma and   irrationalism. Equal treatment of all Nigerians, including those who   profess a religion or none, will be vigorously pursued. The movement   will continue to support the rights of religious and philosophical   minorities in the country such as the Shiites and other Muslim   minorities in northern or southern Nigeria.

NHM will continue to campaign for the abolition of blasphemy and   apostasy laws and ensure that those who renounce their faith or those   who make critical comments about any religion or any prophet are not   treated as criminals. The movement will not relent on its campaign   against blasphemy killings and its efforts to ensure justice for victims   in Niger, Kano and Zamfara, including muslims who were jailed or   sentenced to death in Kano. The humanist movement maintains that   blasphemy and apostasy are human rights and laws against such practices   should be abolished.

In the same vein, NHM will advocate for the repeal of the anti-gay   marriage law so that gays in the country are no longer treated as   criminals and nobody is punished for whom they love.

Challenging religious privilege will receive attention in the coming   years with an emphasis on Christianity and Islam. Privileging Islam is   the norm in Muslim-majority states. The Quran is regarded as superior to   the constitution, and sharia over rules secular state laws. Such   violations will be opposed. The use of Islam to justify discrimination   against non-Muslims, women and children, the perpetration of gender   inequity and injustice, and the criminalization of homosexuality will be   excoriated.

NHM will continue to highlight the unconstitutionality of state   sponsorship of pilgrimages and the use of state funds to construct   mosques, and reward those who convert to Islam. The movement will fight   for the recognition of the reproductive rights of women and the   abolition of child marriages.      The movement will commit its resources to promoting intellectual   awakening, renaissance and enlightenment and to campaigning for the   realization of a free, secular and tolerant Nigeria, as we look forward   to another 20 years of exuberant humanism in one of the most religious   nations in the world!

Written by Leo Igwe, the founder of the Nigerian Humanist Movement.

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