Most Nigerians must have read Dr Tim Akano’s patriotic suggestion calling on what he tagged Class of 1966 to urgently summon a National Emergency Elders Dialogue to be held in Aburi, Ghana. The main Agenda of the meeting is NIGERIAN QUESTION. The leaders he mentioned included Dr Yakubu Gowon, Dr Olusegun Obasanjo, Alhaji Ibrahim Babangida, Alhaji AbdulSalami Abubakar, Dr Theophilus Yakubu Danjuma, Alhaji Muhammadu Buhari, Ebitu Ukiwe, Alani Akinrinade, Alabi Isama and Aliyu Mohammed Gusau who, in his opinion, are the living principal actors that DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY brought Nigeria to the sorry state the dying country is in today.

Dr Akano suggested the inclusion of Dr Goodluck Jonathan, being a former President. When the meeting is to hold, which should be within a month from today, one non-partisan elder-statesman, one woman and one youth (below age 35) from each of the six geopolitical zones should make the list. These 23 Senior citizens plus the six youths, are to vigorously examine whether Nigeria should continue to exist or not, and under what strict terms and structure, principally to pre-empt the imminent violent collapse, disintegration and Afghanistanisation of the country with attendant irreversible anarchical consequences.

Another concerned citizen Niyi Peters, shared a release on social media which carried the following posers in support of the cry to immediately address the looming Armageddon and consequent disaster it portends for each and every one of us particularly our women, children, the youths and the aged. In a direct call to the citizens with the refrain Fellow Nigerians, the writer wonders:

Have you bothered to ask why the terrorists, bandits and Fulani herdsmen are better armed than our police and army?

Why the FGN disarmed all ethnic groups in Nigeria except the Fulani ethnic group who are heavily armed to the disadvantage of others?

Why the FGN forgives them and refuses to go after them or prosecute them?

Why the FGN encourages the internalised, systematic and systemic genocide going on in Nigeria against the indigenous peoples of Nigeria by invaders from the Sahel with the help of their Nigerian cousins?

Why the FGN has encouraged Fulanis from all-over the world to come to Nigeria on the policy of visa on arrival?

Why the FGN is giving foreigners from the Sahel Nigerian citizenship through the backdoor by registering and giving them National Identification Numbers (NIN)?

Why the FGN is forcing Nigerians at all cost to register and obtain NIN?

Why the FGN is insisting on carrying on with the national population census?

Why the FGN has refused to weed out terrorists in the government, armed forces and para-military?

Why the FGN has refused to expose and prosecute the sponsors and perpetrators of terrorism in Nigeria?

The answer to the above questions is the grand plan to take over Nigeria through, illegal, unlawful and unconstitutional means. Like the case of Afghanistan where the hypocritical. United States of America, European Union and United Nations stood by, so will the lot of Nigeria be if we fail to call for a referendum now.

the price that we must pay for our silence in the face of the ongoing evil is that in no distant time there will be attacks like it is going on in Kaduna, Zamfara, Katsina, Plateau, Benue and Taraba states in Lagos , Ibadan, Warri, Benin , Calabar, Bayelsa and major cities in southern states of Nigeria.

“Nigerians believe it or not; the game plan of the Fulani/Islamic agenda is for Buhari to subtly give in to be kidnapped by the bandits who threatened to kidnap him and El Rufai. When they achieve this, they will go all the way to take over Aso Rock and establish a Caliphate.

“These people hijacked and abducted all the travellers in a Federal Government owned train and nothing was done. They invaded Kuje Maximum Prison and freed all their men and other criminals and Government kept quiet.

Painfully they threatened to kidnap the sitting President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, without any squirm, the President nodded his head. Lastly they pushed and attacked Abuja to test-run their military prowess and still there is no counteraction.’’


Barrister Chief Malcolm Omirhobo, a foremost human rights lawyer, put it more succinctly in his interview published in the Guardian newspaper, where he categorically stated that Nigeria is five-minutes away from Afghanistan.

I most earnestly recommend that readers should fetch Saturday August 6th copy of the Guardian or access the interview online via Google.


The import of the aforementioned references is to drive home the incontrovertible fact that Nigeria as we used to know it no longer exists. The grounds for her death were anchored on the expiration of the 100-year lapse of the so-called Amalgamation in 2014, and years before that date, Decree 34 of 1966 expunged the spirit and letter of the Federal Republic of Nigeria before Lieutenant Gowon affirmed later that year on July 29 that the basis of unity was non-existent. The last and equally cogent ground was the creation of Sharia States and Sharia Police force which constitutionally created ‘two countries in one’ as later confirmed by El-Rufai in one of his fiery statements.

We would be deceiving ourselves if we feign ignorance of the grand plan to impose Afghanistan on Nigeria, and worse, massacre as many as possible, and drive away all the indigenous peoples of Nigeria. It would be foolish to deny Buhari’s implicit involvement in all these and very active participation of the hounds he entrusted the security architecture to.

Human Rights lawyer, Femi Falana, SAN, recently reminded us that Buhari’s latter-day son-in-law Malami ‘refused to name the 400 financiers of terrorists the AGF announced in May 2021. Two weeks later in the same month, Malami also announced the arrest of 800 Boko Haram suspects. None of them has been put on trial.’

If the recommended Aburi meeting holds and fails to decide on de-amalgamation, or the simplest escape route, which is formation of Sovereign States in a Union, all the indigenous nationalities that wish to severe relations with the Nigerian carcass should unilaterally and immediately do so to ward off avoidable but imminent genocide, which is certain to soak the baboons of West Africa and the dogs the world over, in blood.

If hundreds of thousands of the blood-thirsty terrorists imported into Nigeria should be let loose on the world, Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda (Qaedat al-Jihad, a multinational militant Sunni Islamic extremist network founded in 1988) and associated cells would be a child’s play.

In the meantime, General Obasanjo and other former Heads of State who still deceive themselves that they are safe should please humble themselves and take this advice. They are as vulnerable as, nay, more vulnerable than the rest of us. Any of them could be picked up any time by the marauding terrorists already unleashed on the land. Obasanjo in particular should remember how Abacha punctured his myth on March 17, 1975. He should remember I warned him on the phone not to return to Nigeria then, just as I am warning him now! Buhari has declared war on Nigeria!

The non-Fulani in the Caliphate-controlled military and allied security and intelligence outfits should learn from the lessons of history; the massacre of 43 Igbo army officers in Abeokuta Barracks a night before the rude attack on the Government House Agodi, Ibadan, where the then Supreme Commander and Head of State, General Aguiyi Ironsi (42) and his host Colonel Adekunle Fajuyi (40) were tied up like goats, stripped naked and slaughtered by those on the mission similar to what is currently playing out.

Yes, 200 Igbo military officers were also slaughtered in Kaduna in May of 1966, a warning shot ignored by those who later suffered the same fate in Abeokuta two months later! Bluntly put, non-Fulani soldiers in the military who have ears should immediately be planning their tactical exit or collectively confront the disguised terrorists before the explosion.


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