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This article is a continuation of my well published article entitled NIGERIAN WORKERS AT THE MERCY OF STATE GOVERNORS (see attached). In the said article, I gave detailed information on how Nigerian workers have been treated as fifth class citizens in their respective states, using Imo State as my benchmark. The article which was forwarded to millions of E-mail addresses globally, published by many on-line sites, facebooks, and in many local Newspapers in Imo State and Nigeria, elicited reactions and responses from well meaning people across the globe.

Honestly, I am humbled by the solidarity, love and support people showed me after reading the article. I received telephone calls from fans all over Imo State, Nigeria, Africa and across the globe. In Owerri, the Imo State capital, I did not only receive calls, people including civil servants trooped to my residence at Ikenegbu layout extension to congratulate and thank me for coming to their aid and exposing these state governors who are godless, heartless and conscienceless. They all wished me Almighty Gods’ continued protection and guidance as I continue in my crusade of fighting and exposing evils in our society.

Nevertheless, let me point out that local Newspapers in Owerri that published the said article reportedly received threats from Governor Rochas Okorocha and his Cohorts. For quite some time, newspaper publishers and editors in Imo State have been threatened by this government of iniquity led by Rochas Okorocha for publishing my articles.

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They just do not want the people of Imo State to read my articles. They want the people to remain blind followers. Hence they are gagging the press. But one thing these shameless homosexuals at the Imo State Government House have failed to understand is that when Almighty God sends his chosen one on a mission or crusade, he also equips such a person in a manner and ways that would continue to confound, shock and surprise the enemies of the lord God.

When Almighty God commissioned Moses to go to Egypt to rescue and deliver the people of Israel, he equipped him with an “ordinary stick”. When God wanted to disgrace Goliath the giant of Philistine, he sent the little David with a “catapult and five small stones”. Several other examples abound in the Bible of how Jehovah God arms his chosen ones to accomplish his mission. Several attempts were made by the Jews to quench the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. The climax of the plot was when our Lord Jesus was arrested on false charges, detained and finally crucified on the cross. But on the third day, Jesus Christ resurrected and today his name is above every other name. And at the mere mention of his name, every knee, every occult power, every falsehood, every crime, every insincerity, every blackmail, every threat to life bows. Today Christianity has spread across the globe.

Conversely, despite several attempts to quench my crusade against corruption, injustice, crime and bad leadership without success by several governments, the present homosexual, occult, killer gang and thieving leadership in Imo State led by Rochas Okorocha and his Cohorts connived with the equally criminally minded Imo State Police Command and accused me and my wife of murder after failing to assassinate me on the 3rd of June, 2014. Tried they did to rope us in the brutal murder of Architect Franklin Okoli (a crime they themselves committed), but Okorocha, former speaker Benjamin Uwajumogu and their blood-sucking gang failed. My wife spent a total of six and half months in both police detention and prison custody while I spent 328 days (eleven months) before the injustice against us was quashed on the 27th of April 2015. Of course, the injustice meted out to us drew global attention and umbrage through multi-media and internet dissemination of the satanic act. Nevertheless, my popularity has continued to soar across the globe despite blackmails, intimidations, false accusation and evil plot from Okorocha and his principal agents (Uwajumogu, Kodichi Anamakwe, Emeka Ahaneku and the Imo State Police Command). Today through my bulk E-mailing lists, Almighty God has made it possible for me to have over Three million people who read my articles, press releases, interviews etc directly from me. And when they are further published in Newspapers, magazines, facebooks, on-line sites, the number of people who read them also further multiplies. This is the finger of God in action. Therefore the cowardly attempt by Okorocha and his imbecilic gang to gag the press in Imo State from publishing my articles will continue to have no effect.

This brings me to the subject matter for discussion; STATE GOVERNORS WHO CONVERT GOVERNMENT PROPERTY TO PERSONAL USE.

It is no longer news that government official convert properties of government to personal use under many dubious and fraudulent methods. The problem here is that nobody is checking one another in a bid to put a stop to this act of indiscipline and corruption. From an ordinary office clerk to ministers, commissioners, local government chairmen, senators, governors, and even Presidents, the lust and evil desire to convert government properties to personal use have always been there. What makes one a man is the ability or capacity not to fall into the prey of stealing government properties? It is very unfortunate that people who parade themselves as political leaders, are guilty of this crime. I will therefore make a journey to one of the states in this country to prove this fact by showing how a current serving governor has converted state properties to personal use. Imo State is my state in focus. A well respected socio-political crusader (Comrade Kenneth Uwadi) had months ago exposed how Governor Rochas Okorocha converted state and local government Allocations to his personal use. Available figures confirm that Okorocha has stolen at least N6 billion from each of the 27 local government Areas of the state. Also, in my well published article entitled IMO STATE: WHEN AN EVIL MAN IS IN AUTHORITY (see attached), I showed how the same Okorocha criminally (and without shame) converts people’s landed properties to his own without thinking of the consequences of his actions. Perhaps, he is suffering from Kleptomania, otherwise Imo citizens see no reason why this Okorocha should be converting and stealing government properties. The following instances prove me right.

1.      It is an acknowledged fact that the Imo Statesman Newspapers Ltd was among the very few newspaper establishment in Nigeria that had solid and standard printing machines of various sizes, make and type. In his bid to cart away the machines valued at over N4 billion naira, Governor Okorocha reportedly stormed the newspaper house about three years ago with one of the permanent secretaries in the state and other Government House officials to “Inspect” the machines. Let me point out that former Governor Dee Sam Onunaka Mbakwe bought all these machines. The chord machines, the Harris Rotary machines and other major machines. Specifically, the Harris Rotary Machine is a machine capable of printing at least 30,000 newspapers per hour, and it is presently valued at over N1.2 billion naira. Imo Statesman Newspaper Ltd had two of the machines. It should be noted that nothing was wrong with these machines; which is the Harris Rotary machines, the various chord machines and other machines. Unfortunately, Okorocha and his gang visited the establishment and declared all the machines as scrap and quickly carted them away to an “unknown” destination, but with a promise to bring in new machines to replace the ones he carted away. Today, Imo Statesman Newspapers Ltd is in comatose while Okorocha’s Lamorde Printing Press is now a multi-billion naira printing establishment. I hope anti-graft agencies and other security agencies are taking note.

2.      It is an acknowledged fact that the government of Dee Sam Onunaka Mbakwe created Open spaces in the state capital. But today all the open spaces have been converted to personal use by Okorocha. He reportedly shared them out to his brothers, sisters, in-laws, wife and to himself. Each of these open spaces is not less than ten plots of land. There were over twenty open spaces in the state capital before Okorocha converted them to his own and shared them out to his family members.

3.      The immediate past government in the state embarked on what they called a new Government House at New Owerri, where billions of naira was expended. But Okorocha came in and stopped the project; and reportedly shared out the massive land to himself, his wife (Nkechi) and his son in-law (Uche Nwosu). Nkechi Okorocha has already built a multi-million naira Events Centre known as WODDI’S PLACE on the land, while Uche Nwosu is currently building a five star Hotel valued at over N2 BILLION within the same land. I hope anti-graft and other security agencies are taking note. Meanwhile, Uche Nwosu has several other identifiable properties in the state capital.

4.      In a bid to defraud the state of hard earned resources, Governor Okorocha on assumption of office in 2011 embarked on what he called IMO STATE UNIVERSITY OGBOKO located in Ideato South LGA. The project is 70% completed but Okorocha has changed the name of the so called University to a private name. It is believed in many quarters that he intends to take over the place as his private University. Anti-graft agencies should take note.

5.      It is a notorious fact that Governor Rochas Okorocha has expanded Lamorde Guest Hotel (formerly known as Rochas Close) along Orlu – Amakohia road from alleged four plots to now over 20 plots. The question is; how did he convert the extra 16 plots of Government House land to his own? Lamorde Guest House is at the back of Government House and has today taken over at least 16 plots of Government House land. His son in-law (Uche Mwosu) who is the current chief of staff was the immediate past commissioner for Lands, Survey and urban planning. I hope the anti-graft agencies and other security agencies are taking note.

6.      The legislative quarters at the Imo State House of Assembly was built by Governor Dee Sam Mbakwe. Although the place was later abandoned by successive governments to deteriorate, Governor Okorocha came in and sold the place to one of his principal partners and the proceeds allegedly pocketed. Anti-graft and other security agencies should take note.

7.      The people of Imo State are yet to know the status and owner of the ten storey building at Hero’s square. It is believed that Okorocha used his position as Governor to take part of Hero’s square land to build the ten storey building with proceeds from diverted local government allocations.

I can go on and on to show and prove how this man parading himself as the governor of Imo State has taken over government properties. He is reportedly plotting to take over the defunct AMA J.K Recreation Park. What of the Ahiajoku Civic Centre? Let me also add that Governor Okorocha is on a spending spree. Once state and local government allocations are received by the state, he jets out of the country to acquire property. He does the same thing within the state and across the country. Just few days ago, Okorocha acquired a landed property beside “40 – 40” New Owerri (just very close to a very popular private hotel) at an alleged cost of N1.5 billion naira. What of the estate he reportedly built in Houston USA with stolen state funds? What of the mansion he bought in Dallas, USA? What of the two properties in South Africa? Honestly, the list is endless. Okorocha’s insatiable appetite to loot, steal, kill and intimidate anybody who exposes him is legendary. It is written in the Holy Bible; what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his very soul? Let Okorocha answer this question.

This should be a matter of national concern. When in 1986 the infamous criminal, Mr. Lawrence Anini was disturbing the peace of the then Bendel State (now made up of Edo and Delta States) without any challenge from the Bendal State Police command, President Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida shocked that an Armed robber had taken over Bendel State, asked the then Inspector General of Police a simple question; where is Amini?. Within two weeks, the notorious Criminal, Lawrence Amini was apprehended.

Conversely, the Criminal activities of Governor Rochas Okorocha and his cohorts have reached alarming rate such that if nothing is done to stop this monster, the future generations of Imo Citizens and Nigerians will have themselves to blame. I have written petitions on how one of Okorocha’s cohorts (former Speaker Benjamin Uwajumogu and his aides) looted this State. I have written a petition on political killings in Imo State. It is therefore time for President Muhammadu Okechukwu Buhari to step out from his cocoon of the Presidential villa and ask both the Inspector General of Police and the EFCC chairman a simple question; where is Rochas Okorocha?

I rest my pen.

Written by Ikenna Samuelson Iwuoha.


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