What if Pastor Adeboye’s social media accounts are meant for messaging to RCCG members? What if the prayers or prophecies are directed to true believers – in one situation or another? What if there’s someone on the brink of breakdown, that just that one message could make the difference?

The weird – public – unease with whatever RCCG or their lead Pastor says or does remains antithetical to the logic [or reasoning] used against them.

Isn’t everyone in agreement, that socially, people can find hope in whatever they want, or have faith in whatever they choose?


Isn’t it the choice of anyone to follow or not follow a certain belief? Aren’t there people who can’t understand why others do something, but find their own doings strange to others?

Is there no respect of choice, even when not in agreement?

How does one prayer, or prophecy, or linkage to the inspiring story of Joseph, responsible for laziness or underdevelopment?

What kind of prayer is too much to ask from Jehovah Nissi, Who began the beginning?

The Christian Faith is boundless because of the Power of GOD.

The most devout of Christians sometimes struggle – with their Faith in GOD.

There’re often prayers to know Christ and the Power of His Resurrection.

There sometimes seems to be a gap between what GOD can do for His people and what manifests – at a point.

So there’s always need for encouragement – through prayers or prophecies.

There’s requirement to grow Faith by hearing the Word of GOD.

In this world with so much failure, rejection, disappointment, uncertainty and unknowns, praying the maximum of anything is also a pull, for the heart, into hope.

Prayer has never been an excuse for laziness. There are people putting in the work, doing it right – with integrity and fairness that need breakthroughs.

Wishing these people well, or praying for them, has nothing to do with all the criticisms of prayers of RCCG or their Pastor.

The Almighty GOD chooses what prayer to answer, but unceasing prayers were encouraged – in the Scriptures.

The need for all kind of prayers is sometimes linked to the necessity of the mercy of GOD, to get by in this world.

The shocks and strange surprises that many face at work, home, school, etc. is a demand to pray or receive as many prayers as possible.

Some of the controversial prayers can also mean an appeal to the LORD to not be condemned to hell.

The Redeemed Church and their Pastor should continue to encourage themselves – with the Powerful Word of GOD, ambitious Prayers, courageous Faith, Love, Patience and Hope against Hope.

The critics of the Church of GOD can never point to how the Church, or prayers, or Faith in GOD led to power outages, stagflation, epidemic of street hawking, desperation to leave the country, etc.

[Psalm 31:24, Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.]

*** Written by Nneka Okumazie.


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