In the academe, plagiarism and lack of citation are detestable. Avoidance of both in any paper counts as minimum credible.

In some cases, knowledge overlaps and direct citation may not seem necessary. But, it’s really weird to have a major field in science, develop several theories, from ‘recommendations’ established in another area, without – source – acknowledgement.

Modern day psychology has lots of theories developed in recent decades – and centuries.
This, coinciding with various translations of the Scriptures and new Churches, presented a source for many of what psychology defines differently and prescribes.

Though psychology, like most science found a way to discredit Christianity, developing [a theory like] indoctrination, there would be no relevance of psychology, if it purged everything it took from Christianity.

Psychology has words of affirmation, gratitude, filtering, talking about it, journaling, cleaning up, taking a walk, support group, getting through the day, little steps, etc. as therapy points.

It also has cognitive reframing, cognitive distortion, cognitive labelling, cognitive dissonance, etc.
Some of the above – and dialectical behavioral therapy, comes from cognitive behavioral therapy.

Psychology has been super useful, and yes, neutral, to avoid what could seem as attachment to Christianity – which may be interpreted as proselytization or make other religions develop theirs.

But, with lots of conditions in the DSM-5, having multiple definitions, intersections, and several disorders defying all psychology, psychiatry, etc. would it not be important for more cases to get all the help they need, even if it has to be recommendation from the original?

The Scriptures has so many ‘cognitive restructuring’ terms – let the weak say I am strong – to boost faith, talking or confessing in prayers, give thanks, daily – bread, enough trouble for the day, ultimate hope, contentment, two or three gathering, follow peace, things not seen, etc.

The Scriptures has ways to fight cognitive distortion, or say intrusive thoughts, or voices in the head.
Example was when Christ, the Savior, multiple times, defeated negativity – directly from temptation, and indirectly from many others.

The Scriptures though says rejoice, also says be sober, which is also condition to watch and pray.
Yes, many hate the total morality preached by Christianity, or the talk of the Creator, but the pillar of morality through Christianity continues to make the world habitable from worst case scenarios.
Everyone often wonders why there’s evil in the world. Many also look at others who do really despicable stuff and label them monsters, but who on this earth has no capacity for extreme evil?

There are morality conscious people – who ensure not to do bad stuff that affects others [they know, can trace or think] or only participate in anything, so long there’s consent.

But if people were to see what evil they contributed to, or what they did, or said somewhere that led to things that may have added up to horrible evil elsewhere, many would weep sore.
It is possible to argue about direct responsibility for wickedness, or evil, and dismiss any remote links, but why are people happy if they gave or contributed to some good cause and saw changes, but if it’s something bad, how can they be any bit responsible?

As a fact, small time evil passed from words to words, or action to action that fully matures in the hands of another, should be a reason people cry for their own death.

People die somewhere, every day in different ways. Some of the loved ones are broken, though everyone knows death is inevitable. But the world moves on, as some don’t care, or some never hear about it, or some have their own troubles – which may be interpreted as no one cares.

People cry for others when all should weep for themselves, while living, about their own death.
This is remotely linked to salvation, where some come to repentance, [turning to the LORD with all the heart, and with fasting, weeping, and mourning].

This is like how much has been done, only the Blood of JESUS could cleanse.

It is possible some Christians would thank GOD for sight, knowing it is not deserved, after years of lust of the eyes – before salvation, but grace saved and mercy preserved.

This gold of wiling character change is what psychology brands brainwashing – to make many who need Christianity perceive it negatively.

This, for psychology, is similar to how people in a situation try to blame others, when they should look in the mirror.

There are so many studies on addictions, overdose, suicide, etc. yet no one can say for sure why it happens. It is possible to explain per case with neurotransmitters, gray matter, family history, physical health, economic issues, etc. but a number will remain mysterious.

Psychology needs all the help it can get, because it is looking like the world is getting into a place of massive, crushing mental ill-health.

The failures of 21st century economics will mean more people will need psychology. Economics is supposed to have humans at the core, not demand, supply, capital, profit, property, etc. Everyone – ready to work – should have somewhat dignifying fit somewhere, not the economics of value, or skills, or location, ignoring fairness for all labor.

There seems to be no major ideas in economics to include all, and make individuals the value.
This is different from inequality, which, for current economics is like asking for life without air.
Economics established on free market – is unaligned for humans.

Free labor economics however it can work should dominate instead of free market or free enterprise.
Just as uneducated or unskilled people are rated for their low value, is the same way educated people lack great ideas for suitable labor economics, useful for the skilled and unskilled – in the 21st century.
The loss of jobs – including by those with choice resume, or the pressure of keeping one, will continue to push people to need aggressive psychology.

Yet, the field seems centered on its shiny objects and designer therapies.

Psychology cannot afford to fail, but it does – directly and indirectly. So where do people go?
Psychotherapy has so many questions, but there are some that can seem vital.

For example, “what will I do to forget my problems today?”

This, after people wake up can help them understand if whatever they say or do is about that, or real.
There are other variations of the question, like what to do to make others forget theirs, or remember theirs, or solve theirs – which is a common motivation, etc.

There is also the question, “what is wrong with me, in this moment?”

But some questions seem beyond psychology.
For example, looking at life and history, it is apparent that this earth tries to make every individual become a failed project.

Some failures are self-inflicting, some external, but it is clear that mind, behavior, position, privilege, anger, lust, disaster, disease, pandemic, poverty, etc. all says to people to become a failed project.
So how does an individual understand this reality – of incessant storms?

It is true that Christianity can be tough and it also takes courage to stay righteous, but any chance of demystifying and wrestling against the troubles of this world, is in the Scriptures alone.

Many love history until it comes to history in the Scriptures. Many love philosophy until they hear the Bible. Many want to know the future until they hear from the Scriptures.

But how can anyone find meaning in this life, if there is no pointer to history and to the future.
Even if, like atheists contend, that there’s no life after death, how about vanity pursued that causes wasted life or contributes to making other waste?

The Preacher said all is vanity. Some vanities are obvious in moments, some years, decades or centuries. So what does not constitute vanity and why?

Those in the last dozen decades who gave themselves to all fun, or wanted the best of everything and got it, would probably not have seen their own vanity, but we now do.

There are vanities that many see in their lives, but isn’t enough deterrent from chasing the next.
There are lots of stories some kinds of ex people can tell, ex-leaders, ex-role holders, etc.

Everyone – mostly – likes great reward, or outcome, but the true work is hard. Some find shortcuts, or do something else, or says it’s a fallacy.

It will be too difficult for psychology to fix most of the problems of mind and behavior – in this world that pushes everything towards failure.

Looking conversely, this world is less about evolution or natural selection, but about increase and failure.
Things that seem like changes, or differences, or good or bad are cases of increase somewhere and failure elsewhere – at that moment, but nothing is evolving to anything, neither is there a selection of randomness.

It is possible that why many repeat mistakes of others is assumption of evolving, new or change.
Things generally increase, but in accordance with how its kind increases. An individual may get carried away by their own increase, but at every increase there is an expectation to behave or believe a certain way.

Just like with age or increase in experience and patterns of [say teens or midlife] behavior, so is it with knowledge increasing, there’s thinking a certain way – regardless of what century.

The reason it is easy to tell what would happen at a stage is because everything is a familiar increase, nothing is new under the sun. Innovation may seem novel, but came from increase in knowledge and would have a time it would fail. Failure may not mean going out of use, but lack of increase.
Loss of how to interpret increase and to know that failure pursues all – confuses psychology.

The Creation is an example of increase. It brought things into existence, including automation of processes – tending towards increase, from conception to the end.

Automation of things on earth or the placement of the firmament does not mean the absence of the Creator, a Spirit.

The Creation is also the beginning of rules – freedoms and limits.
Even as atheists contend the origin of morality, what is the origin of rules and instructions? The animal kingdom or reformed animals?

There are psychology issues that can only be cured by repentance. No neuroimaging, medication or some novelty will do it, but science seems too egotistical.

Life’s troubles that can be sudden are innumerable. There are deep, hard pains. There’s maddening high pressure, strange coping mechanisms, etc. but without fierce anchor to JESUS – and mercy prayers, it will be hard to not fall, or follow unknowns.

[Proverbs 21:30, There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.]

[Isaiah 29:8, It shall even be as when an hungry man dreameth, and, behold, he eateth; but he awaketh, and his soul is empty: or as when a thirsty man dreameth, and, behold, he drinketh; but he awaketh, and, behold, he is faint, and his soul hath appetite: so shall the multitude of all the nations be, that fight against mount Zion.]

*** Written by Nneka Okumazie.


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