Since some of us called for dialogue rather than the violence option in settling the Niger Delta question, I have watched with dismay as the issues are muddled up by those that should be responsible for bringing about peace in the Region and indeed in Nigeria. I write because it is not too late to get it right. But first of all let us strive to properly understand the peace process as suggested.
Dialogue is a broad view of what is required fire to calm frayed nerves on both sides in ordered to bring about a conducive environment for negotiations if need be. It is an intellectual process that requires the leadership and best talents of the country looking critically at the issues at stake. If I were the President I would set up a truth and reconciliation commission to enquire into the grievances of agitators here and indeed of all agitations and give them a date to submit findings.

I would grant them leave to conduct public hearings on all issues whether raised or incidental to the for restoration of peace. I would spell out in advance what happens to the findings in terms of implementation. Meanwhile, the commission has Presidential authority to involve at the outset all leaders,(political, business, religious etc ) in the transparent process across party lines. Today I heard Hon Fred Agbedi, Federal House Chair on oil and gas speak on AIT programme, matters arising, that legislators at the Federal level were yet to be consulted or involved in the “negotiations “.

He made another critical suggestion that owners of land in the Niger Delta just as obtains in the United States and even Northern Nigeria has to be involved in such peace process for it to endure. So you need to create such opportunities for good workable ideas to emerge. You cannot just jump into negotiation without a basis for this exercise.


The basis comes from dialogue which helps to dissolve spiritually the present condition leading to physical conflict. It should be taken for granted that a democratically elected government can do this and save Nigeria the agony of military conflict.


Written by Nwokedi Nworisara


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