A namby-pamby London-based newspaper that goes by its appropriate name,  “Observer”, falsely observed that former President Goodluck Jonathan  purportedly rejected an offer from the British government to help rescue  the abducted Chibok girls during the Jonathan administration.  This is not the first time a foreign based newspaper would stoop so low  to allow itself be used by spin doctors of the current administration in  Nigeria to continue to futilely attempt to smear Jonathan’s gargantuan  image and whose records have remained unmatchable, hence, a source of  concern to this government, and exposure of their ineptitude and  perfunctory approach to governance nearly two years after the former  president left office.

As usual, to complement the falsehood churned out by partners in the  Enemy-of-Progress venture, Lai Mohammed quickly responded to  Jonathan’s explanation that at no time did he or his government reject  any offer of help from the British to rescue the Chibok girls contrary  to reports by the Observer. Lai attempted to push the false narrative  down our throats and went as far as inferring that Jonathan should not  only accept the false accusation but that he should also stop  finger-pointing.

But then who is surprised at this? Is Lai Mohammed not known for his  knack to reduce serious State matters to issues of propaganda and witch  hunt? Acting on the springboard of guilt, he was forced recently to try  and explain to the gods how Nigerians accuse him of being a liar when,  in his own estimation, he is the opposite. But we all know the truth  about Lai!


Then came his partner, the Emperor of Kaduna who took his own reaction  to the story to a new lowly and mundane level using his twitter handle.  Reacting to the story, El Rufai had written on his handle:  “JONATHANIANS, WE HAIL THEE!: ‘Nigeria rejected British offer to  rescue seized Chibok schoolgirls’ – World News”.

In another tweet, he had this to say: “JONATHANIANS!! – JUST SHAKING  MY HEAD: How Jonathan’s administration shockingly rejected British  offer to rescue…”

This is nothing but an incitement to hate. For a public official to use  his twitter handle to spread falsehood against a former president is  nothing but an incitement against the former president, and by  extension, his supporters whom he correctly but mockingly refers to as  “Jonathanians”. To think that this is the same man of very dwarfish  height who had caused the harassment, intimidation, arrest and detention  of Audu Maikori for “incitement”, is most unpardonable.

Contrary to his claims at the recently concluded Social Media Week held  in Lagos, the grizzly gnome of Kaduna had spoken of himself in glowing  terms about how he uses the social media responsibly while advocating  that others should do the same. He had boasted at the event that he has  the largest followership among public officials on twitter at one  million, but what he did not tell Nigerians, which has always been part  of his life as a harbinger of falsehood, is that his one million  followers are actually 902,570. An independent twitter audit of his  account shows that a whopping 37% of them amounting to 333,951, are  fake, while twitter is not even sure who the others making up the one  million are. One of the ways of generating fake twitter followers is to  buy them in order to boost one’s presence on the platform and his/her  popularity, but most times, like in this case, to a vain end.

The saddest part of the event was when the Emperor defended the most  inciting comment ever made among the tweeting Nigerian community. In the  comment, El Rufai had said “We will write this for all to read.

Anyone, soldier or not that kills the Fulani takes a loan repayable one  day no matter how long it takes”. This is a threat that has come to  pass in Kaduna under the supervision of El Rufai as governor. Rather  than be conciliatory in his remarks in the aftermath of the Kaduna  genocide, this dwarfish emperor sounded so offish in his explanation of  that devilish tweet at the Social Media Week.

He had said quite emphatically and most unfortunately that what he wrote  was a statement of fact and that he wrote it in the context of the  operation of soldiers who attempted removing Fulani settlers in Jos,  Plateau State, a supposed Christian state. Now, we all know why the  killings of indigenes of Southern Kaduna who are predominantly  Christians by their terrorist Fulani herdsmen settlers who are Muslims  have been allowed to thrive for that long under El Rufai as governor of  the State.

To even think that he compensated the killers rather than ensure their  arrests and prosecution leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.

This same El Rufai who is quick to accuse others and pontificate on the  responsible use of the social media had also tweeted another highly  inciting statement on 27th of January, 2013 thus: “@zebbook…If Jesus  criticizes Jonathan’s govt, Maku/Abati/Okupe will say he slept with  Mary Magdalene…LWKMD…”

The fact is, if the above tweet had the name of the Islamic prophet in  place of Jesus, hell would have been let loose on this country. It is  therefore most hypocritical of El Rufai to be the one that would be  pontificating on the responsible use of social media when he has proven  to be an abrasive provocateur himself over time.

He uses his twitter handle to promote lies and dissension only to turn  around to accuse the Audu Maikori’s of this world of doing the exact  thing he is guilty of just to parry attention away from his own gross  incompetence and divisiveness as governor who allowed an avoidable  crisis to fester for so long leading to loss of precious lives in his  state.

It is therefore not surprising when he acted true to type by promoting  the falsehood about Jonathan’s purported rejection of British offer to  help rescue the Chibok girls. To his shame, and like it always is with  propagandists, sophists and peddlers of hate, their towers of falsehood  built on the pedestal of resentment for other people’s region and  religion, soon fall like a pack of cards right before them when the  truth eventually unravels and they run away with their tails between  their legs.

The British High Commission had described the story that Jonathan’s  administration rejected an offer by the Britons to help rescue the  Chibok girls as false. In debunking the story, the Commission had said  “a more cordial, collaborative and unified approach between Nigeria  and her allies than the reported differences was used”.

Furthermore, Ambassador Mathew Rycroft, the UK’s Permanent  Representative to the United Nations Security Council and head of the  delegation to the Lake Chad region, confirmed that nothing was true in  the Observer newspaper report about Jonathan rejecting any help from  Britain. It is therefore a pity that in a bid to attempt to drag former  president Goodluck Jonathan down, the likes of El Rufai and Lai Mohammed  keep promoting falsehood against the country they serve as long as that  would serve their primordial and pecuniary purposes.

The reason why the country is currently in such a shamble as it is today  is because government officials have been expending most of their  valuable times and energies on attacking Jonathan rather than focus such  bubbling energies on good governance and providing dividends of  democracy to the people they all so deceived to vote for them in 2015.

The fact that APC goons are the architects of the Chibok charade is not  lost on anyone of us. They should all be quick in winding up their  script to save the remaining girls from this politically motivated  humiliating pain they are going through, and leave Jonathan out of their  script gone awry!

Written by Jude Ndukwe.  [email protected]


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