The Holy Bible in John 1: 5 declared : “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” That is the case of Rivers State where the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, represents light and the APC represents darkness.

The choices we make define our direction and our philosophy. The Rivers State APC last Monday clearly made a choice to remain in the dark with their decision to exemplify their false procession with an all black outfit. In their quest to politicise the security of lives and property in the state, the Rivers State APC exposed their unpopularity and general rejection by the peace-loving people of the state.

The Black Day political rally brought to the fore the ill-motive of the Rivers State APC and the fact that the defeated political party is not on ground in the state. Without doubt, the APC is less than five percent in the political and social equation of the state.

To show the unpopularity of the Rivers State APC, the Party had to rely on the importation of over 1000 policemen and more than 300 soldiers and other security agencies for their three thousand hired supporters to march for a distance less than a kilometre. This short march from APC State Secretariat in Old GRA to Polo Club by the APC, was tantamount to a police parade as the policemen competed with the few APC supporters in terms of number.

Indeed, it became clear that the APC chose black as their preferred colour because they wanted to camouflage in the overwhelming presence of policemen. They hid their black failure in their ugly colour.

The case of the Rivers PDP and other non governmental organisations who marched for peace on Friday in Port Harcourt indicate that the state is still dominated by men and women of goodwill who have Rivers State at heart. It proved that those who believe in progress and development outnumber those who are devilishly inclined and steeped in darkness. Light dispels darkness at all times. Darkness bows to light, irrespective of the weight of the lies and propaganda.

To show that Rivers State is PDP, the people of Rivers State numbering over 50,000 marched peacefully on Friday for over 10 kilometres. The peace march started from the PDP State Secretariat at the foot of the old GRA on Aba road to the Rivers State College of Arts and Science on Rumuola road. It was a celebration of peace and the values of Rivers people built on development and the respect for human lives and constituted authority.

It was a carnival of the people’s preference for Governor Nyesom Ezenwo Wike, the leader chosen by the majority and ordained by God to transform the state. The Friday people’s peace march further exposed to the world the lies of the Rivers State APC and her leaders.

While the people marched freely with minimal security presence, the Rivers State APC hired boys trekked for for less than a kilometre with maximum security because they feared the wrath of the peoplewho made their choices during the general elections without any form of violence.

The Friday Peace march in Rivers State was extremely successful because it was from the people to the nation and the world. It was a statement of fact. As the peace march moved on the popular Aba road, other citizens keyed into the celebration of the virtues of the state.

Rivers State PDP Chairman, Bro Felix Obuah captured the essence of the march when he declared that the people of the state will remain practitioners of peace irrespective of the antics of the defeated APC. He urged the people to continue to stand for peace, despite the propaganda and lies of the APC. Obuah said that the calls by the APC for state of emergency to be declared in the state shows their desperation to truncate peace in the state.

Member representing Obio/Akpor Federal Constituency, Mr Kingsley Chinda exposed the fraudulent persons hired by the APC to make false testimonies during their unfortunate Black Monday campaign rally. He listed the address of the APC member and the name of his 10-year old child who is still alive, pointing out that it was regrettable that the said hired hand claimed he son died before the election.

Rivers State PDP Secretary, Walter Ibibia described the APC State Chairman, Davies Ikanya as a man who promotes disunity in the state because he believes only in pecuniary issues.

It is disheartening that the Rivers State APC and her governorship candidate have allowed the desperation for power through the back door derail their sense of political reasoning and respect for the rule of law. These men remote controlled by external forces are bent on destroying the very fabric of peace in the state in order to justify the lies they propagate on their sponsored media platforms. Like always, the Rivers people on Friday in Port Harcourt sent the right message of peace and development to the world.

Governor Wike represents the present and future of Rivers State, hence the people voted overwhelmingly for him on April 11 and 12.

They made that choice in substantial compliance with the law and under a peaceful atmosphere that pervaded the state. The people streamed out to declare that their cannot be tampered with via vain propaganda and unnecessary drama.


Like Governor Wike told the National Leadership of the Labour Party when they visited him recently, he is committed to peace, security and development of Rivers State and Nigeria. A politician and statesman of note, Governor Wike declared that the elections are over, hence all political parties and politicians should put aside their personal interest to allow good governance for the good of the people.


Governor Wike has the spirit of peace and development. This spirit has been transmitted to all his supporters and admirers, who have regards for human lives and property. They are on ground and have no reason to engender violence.

Rivers State remains the home of peace, light, development and implementation of people oriented programmes under the leadership of the people-endorsed Governor Nyesom Ezenwo Wike. No black evil machinations by leaders of darkness will shake the resolve of the people to stand by their governor. The very best under the present dispensation. The voice of the people is the voice of God.

Written by Simeon Nwakaudu, Special Assistant to the Rivers State Governor, Electronic Media.


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