A very concerned writer, whom I think was objective but could not but voice his worry about the disposition of renowned Professor and Vice President Yemi Osinbajo to work; picked up his pen advising the former university don, full-time pastor and respected lawyer to soft-pedal lest he breaks down.

It is not particularly incomprehensible when people from this part of the world, start to wonder when they come across an extremely hardworking and passionate Nigerian especially on Nigerian soil.

We live in a society where disposition to work, especially in public service has degenerated so low that a phraseology “organized private sector and disorganized public sector” has been conceptualized.

The profile of Prof Osinbajo is in the public domain for everyone who cares to vet and conclude on logically. His consistency, dedication and non-slothfulness as a young man made him earn his first degree in Law at age 21, Masters in Law at 23, promoted to professorial cadre at 33 years old and bagged the prestigious position of Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) at 45. Nothing less than dint of hardwork and ingenuity can make any individual rise to this enviable height.

He was a counsel at the International Criminal Court at a time when he was fully presiding over the Olive Tree Parish of the Redeem Church located in Banana Island, Lagos as Pastor. His international engagements as Ethics Adviser of The African Development Bank (ADB), Staff Member United Nations Operations in Somalia (UNOSOMII), member Committee of Experts on Conduct and Discipline of United Nation peace-keeping personnel around the globe amongst many more did not affect is local engagements.

I for one at the outset of my relationship with this leading expert in the law of evidence could not fathom how a man could have excellently combined all of the responsibilities chronicled above and not break down.

With the global economic slow down and its attendant spill-over to Nigeria, oil – the mainstay of our economy currently at a 6-year low coupled with myriad of challenges facing Nigeria, one should not but expect exceptional commitment from the duo of President Buhari and his Vice President Yemi Osinbajo.

What is expected of the Nigerian people instead of being worried about the agility and dedication of both the President and his Vice is to continue to support this government with our prayers, patriotic deeds and actions as those are the only qualities that can make Nigeria livable for todays’ people and posterity.

God bless Nigeria!!!

Written by Kunle Ajayi.

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