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Why is there no – known or accepted – scientific explanation for sin? Why does science not accept the –ultimate – version of repentance? Why does sin seem doable without [say] immediate judgement? Why is there a – sort of – voice for good and bad in the mind of everyone?

Why is there sometimes guilt after doing certain bad stuff? Why is it hard to understand why people do wicked evil? Why is it easier to advice against sin, but hard to practice it?

Why is there great interest in what is not possessed, but as soon as it morally is, desire moves on?

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The growth of global cruelty, in an age of digital social communities, has been exponential. It is common to do anything possible for social capital, or rewards.

There are laws everywhere, but sin is often deeper than the extents of any criminal or civil law. There is so much hidden that cannot be traced. There are thoughts, words, actions that don’t break the law but are transgressions.

The concept of sin, for those against the Christian Faith, seems debatable. Many believe there is no – historic – connection between morality and Christianity. Many argue against the Creator, and rule out anything from Christianity, albeit there’re points where laws intersect Christianity.

Now, looking from psychiatry in measures of insanity – with delusions, hallucinations, etc., isn’t there basis [normal brain] for sanity?

And if there are voices, triggers, distortions, etc., isn’t there therapy [reversal] to normal at times?

It is easy to be free do or say anything, but what stops the world from being overrun by sin and evil remains whispers of good, or knowledge of good.

There is so much sin and evil everywhere, but there’s abundance of avoidance also.

The Words of GOD have been the law through the history of life on Earth. And sociology of expansion of people also came with lessons of good and bad, regardless of faith.

Messages to fight off sin, evil, wickedness, hate, etc. are always great gifts to this world.

Pandemics come and go, wars, recessions, governments, nations, corporations, etc. but how to better love GOD, the Redeemer, and love neighbor as self is the greatest re-messaging [after Christ] beyond any advances or knowledge, because lust, greed, deceit, envy, hate, etc. worsens all problems.

[Ezra 9:6, And said, O my GOD, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to Thee, my GOD: for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our trespass is grown up unto the heavens.]

GOD, the Creator is the judge, and rightly so.

Conscience can warn some, guilt may caution others, but judgement should be remembered.

If freedom for sin is permitted and sin is loved, it should be remembered that there is no love without sacrifice and [effect] maybe sooner or later, direct or indirect but happens eventually.

Many often mock Christianity by saying JESUS coming to earth does not make sense to them.


[1 Corinthians 1:25, Because the foolishness of GOD is wiser than men; and the weakness of GOD is stronger than men.]

GOD gave freedom from the first man.

Why GOD did and came to save cannot make sense because it is not designed to be the law of science, economics, philosophy, or measures of earthly love.

So it is possible to think of Christianity as foolish, or speak roughly about the LORD, or His Church, but that silence or no immediate consequence is wiser and stronger than men, because the day of the LORD cometh.

Already, with the coronavirus, it is like a situation that turneth wise men backward, and maketh their knowledge foolish.

Wages of sin is death; the Gift of GOD is eternal life.

Sin is bad, should be fled. The power to do so should be asked of the Spirit of GOD, including the interest to study the Scriptures and to always ask for Mercy and seek total repentance.

In thinking and doing of sin, lust, pride, pleasures, evil, wickedness, deceit, mockery, insult, etc. There is a totality of life on earth, realistic each day.

[1 Peter 1:24, For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:]

*** Written by Nneka Okumazie



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