On November 18 this year, the electorate of Anambra State will go to the polls to elect a Governor that would oversee their affairs for a term of four years. It is not sufficient for the people to envisage better days ahead, but they should exercise their franchise to make an informed choice of a candidate who is better equipped, competent and out to make positive impact on their socio-economic and political well-being. Hence, this writeup is poised to guide electorates in making informed choices with the goal of x-raying the good sides of the main contenders for the election. The line is therefore drawn in order to make Anambra people’s choices abit harder. Afterall, nothing good comes easier and the harder the fight, the sweeter the victory. However, while Governor Willie Obiano will be assessed based on what he has done in the past three and half years for the state, his political opponents will be assessed based on what they have achieved in their respective lives and how convincing the prospects they promised are.

It will be appropriate to start this discussion with the incumbent Governor, Chief Willie Mmaduaburochukwu Obiano, Akpokuedike Aguleri, APGA gubernatorial candidate. The slogan, “Willie is Working” has been in operation long since he became a governor. He is faced now with the reality of campaigning to retain the glorious seat of Agu Awka, which he occupies currently. The furore that resulted from his estranging of the former Governor of the state, Mr Peter Obi, who played a great role in his becoming a governor, has wept up sympathies for him. That aside, Chief Obiano has embarked on certain developmental projects within the state. It was he who dealt the final blow to insecurity within the state immediately he took over the reins of power. With the state attaining relative security, he went into the signing of memoranda of understanding with local and foreign investors in the agricultural sector. He has recorded success in the agricultural industry like the purported exportation of $5m worth of pumpkin (Ugu) and bitterleaf vegetables; the commissioning of an ultra-modern integrated rice farm and mill, named JOSAN, at Ufuma, Orumba north Local Government Area of the state; conjoining Coscharis Farms Limited with the Anambra State government to developed a farm worth over $200 million and fully mechanised with not less than 70 state-of-the-art machines and equipment; partnering with Stine Industries Limited, Amichi in Nnewi South Local Government Area of Anambra State to turn Anambra rice mill into the biggest rice mill in the country, among others. The governor has commissioned Stanel Oil ultra-modern luxury facility investment in Awka, Anambra State, which has engaged about 700 workers within the state; the governor takes the credit of convincing Mr Stanley Uzochukwu to come home to built such magnificent facility in Anambra state. Construction wise, he has carved a niche for himself. The governor is said to have done most roads in Aguleri and have only recently awarded some roads in other parts of the state. The national coordinator of APGA Media Warriors Forum, Evangelist Chinedu Obigwe while enumerating few other achievements of Gov. Willie Obiano’s led administration, said that in totality Governor Obiano inherited 97 road projects from Peter Obi and completed 45. He started and completed three flyovers within Awka vicinity in record time added to the longest bridge at Aguleri which he completed. His twenty million naira Choose Your Project Initiative in Communities in Anambra state are at various stages of completion. The game changer, according to his aide, Mr James Eze, in the emerging tapestry of development in Anambra at the moment is Governor Obiano’s Light-up Project. As he also pointed out,”The objective is to enhance activities in the economic and commercial axis that dot the state and discourage petty crimes that usually fester under the cover of darkness.” A project which has seen some parts of the state being lit up with led-bulb-streetlights, which made Professor Charles Soludo to say, “We have to plan for and transform Anambra as one mega city. We commend Governor Obiano for building state-level institutions. I drove through Awka at night from Enugu, and I couldn’t resist joking to a friend of mine from Awka sitting with me that “Oyibo abata Awka” (“Civilisation has come to Awka”).” For workers’ welfare package, he gives bags of rice ranging from 25kg to 50kg to civil servants at year’s end. All this speaks volumes for Governor Willie Obiano and places him on a better pedestal than his political rivals as the election approaches.



Next person to be examined is Honourable Dr. Tony Nwoye, member of Federal House of Representatives, representing Anambra East/West Federal Constituency and APC gubernatorial candidate. He appears to hold the incumbent by the jugular. His chances to be next governor are high. A very shrewd and experienced politician who has always found a way to come out top in his political contests. He is a grassroot politician who really understands the plight of an ordinary Anambra person. He has always been present in Anambra political scenario. He is not a pushover. He is dogged and has a huge followership of youths in and outside the state. The not too young to run bill recently passed favours him alot. He has led in the capacities of University of Nigeria, Nsukka’s Students Union Government President and National Association of Nigerian Students’ President; he was charismatic and enigmatic in these capacities. He fought against cultism and for the students against overbearing and wicked school authorities. Little wonder, he was fondly known as Comrade Tony Nwoye. In the political terrain, he was the former Chairman of People’s Democratic Party, PDP, Anambra State. A position which was uneasy to handle and none of his fellow contestants has handled before. Hon.Tony Nwoye is ready to take over as the governor. Hon. Nwoye has also contested for governorship against Chief Willie Obiano. He tried though unsuccessfully to defeat him. He would have succeeded if not for the court fights he had with some PDP gubernatorial aspirants, which he won with just a week left before the election proper and about the same time, APGA has campaigned for long. Yet, he came second. One wonders if he was allowed much time to campaign as he has now, victory may be smiling to him as it always did. The incumbent is very much aware of this and as Hon. Chuba Oranusi, a former Chief Whip of the Anambra State House of Assembly, puts it, “Obiano as governor of the state did every possible thing to stop Tony Nwoye from emerging as a member of the House of Representatives. The governor’s mission was logical; both of them come from the same Anambra East/West Federal Constituency. Tony Nwoye was doing the near impossible: to win an election in the home constituency of the governor.” In fact, most projects within the constituency is said to have been attracted and done by Hon.Tony Nwoye. This is a source of concern for the incumbent governor whom many people within the constituency appears to be at loss with what he has really done for them, except his hometown. Another thing that will facilitate Hon.Tony Nwoye’s ride to Agu Awka is the party under which he is contesting – All Progressives Congress, APC. Forget the childish talk of the party belonging to the Yoruba, many now do not see the party as such because of the personality of Hon.Tony Nwoye, a well-known Igbo man with an Igbo blood. Not just that, recently the party’s national chairman, Chief John Oyegun said that the party needs to win the governorship election in Anambra to change its narrative within the country. A word one will not take with levity. With the federal government at its beck and call, one won’t be surprised if Hon.Tony Nwoye wins. That said, one will not rule out Hon.Tony Nwoye’s generousity and mobilisation capability too, which will work strongly for him.

Another quality contestant capable of becoming the next governor of Anambra state is Mr Oseloka Henry Obaze, PDP gubernatorial candidate. He was an international civil servant with the Nigerian Diplomatic Service from 1982 to 1991 and a retired UN diplomat who served between 1991 to 2012. Soon after he retired from the United Nations in 2012, the Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, in a personal letter dated 26 July 2012, to Obaze, wrote these words, “In your long distinguished career… you have proven yourself as a most dedicated, dependable and competent staff member. Throughout your service, you have unfailingly upheld the highest standards of efficiency, competence required of an international civil servant.” Mr Obaze was a former secretary to Anambra State goverment, a post he occupied under former governor, Mr Peter Obi’s rein and even for the incumbent governor, Chief Willie Obiano (2012 – 2015). Oseloka Henry Obaze as a secretary to the state government was, in Mr Valentine Obienyem words, “mettlesome enough, for he started to re-design everything about the office of the Secretary to the State Government as a centre of attrition rather than attraction. He did this by making the office service-oriented in the best professional way possible. Very soon, the staff in that office started talking about his obstinate incorruptibility and his addiction to principles that sparked a veritable epidemic of honesty in that office.” He is currently the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Selonnes Consult, a strategic policy advisory and management consultancy firm and OHO & Associates, a good governance advocacy outfit. Such lofty positions pass him as a public policy strategist par excellence. Most successes recorded by Mr Peter Obi as a governor have been traced to his behind-the-scenes yeoman job, especially how Peter Obi maximised and attained the millennium development goals in the state via his Anambra Integrated Development Strategy (ANIDS). His intention to govern this state has always been there. He tried picking up a governorship ticket under APGA but has his attempt scuttled by what Valentine Obienyem deemed “a conspiracy hatched by those who believed that he would be more meticulous than Obi in the use of public funds, he was disqualified on the laughable ground that he had no party Registration Card. He understood the message and laughed over it.” His relationship with Anambra state’s workers is something pleasing and worthy to be replicated in a big way as a governor. So remarkable was the day he finally left office as Secretary to the state government, Mr Valentine Obienyem captured the scenario perfectly when he wrote, “civil servants gathered in great throngs along the path he would drive out from, and many, according to eye witnesses, wept in bidding farewell to him. Some carried placards saying “We have lost a saint”.” So far, one can say confidently that a governor in the person of Oseloka Obaze is what Anambra state needs now, a state that has before this current administration has known no debt and was first in NECO and WAEC. Mr Obaze has all what it takes to hit success in any outfit he manages or state he leads. Mr Valentine Obienyem described him thus, “He has the soul of an artist of the poet’s genre – organized, sensuous, and almost instinctively possessed of good taste that does not pass moderation to Epicureanism. He is sober and unostentatious, frugal and industrious, curious and studious, loyal and patient, with a heroic capacity for details. These are really welcome antidotes to the recklessness of today.” Yes, he may have his fault like every other man. What does one know? One finds refuge in Seneca’s writings: “I persist in praising not the life that I lead, but that which I ought to lead. I follow it at a mighty distance, crawling.” Mr Oseloka Henry Obaze is the new bride in town, prepared and ready to takeover power.

Another contestant of note is Chief Osita Chidoka, UPP gubernatorial candidate. He was a former Corps Marshal and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Road Safety Corps and an erstwhile Aviation minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He wrote his name in gold while he was in charge of Federal Road Safety Corps. He was reappointed to the post in 2011 after his first four years’ administration brought about a 35% reduction in road traffic crashes, made the agency technologically driven and attracted global partnership on road safety. When he was first appointed to the post by former president, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, many saw him as too young and a greenhorn too. Yet, he proved them wrong and turned out to be the best; Federal Road Safety Corps as an organisation now is highly revered and respected because of his hard work and great wits. He led bicycle rides and jogging exercises as alternative transport and physical fitness respectively. His success in heading a hitherto unknown organisation in the Nigerian polity reveals a great deal of a man who is likely to become the next governor of Anambra state. He is young, energetic and patriotic. He proved that the age of Methusaleh has nothing to do with the wisdom of Solomon. Barrister Ilechukwu Ogu has this to say of him, “He was a prominent students’ union activist and the traditional ruler of Kenneth Dike Hall, noted for the reasoned, factual and forceful way he presents his opinions.” A saying that gives one a clearer picture of who Chief Osita Chidoka was while he was younger. Mr Yakubu Dati recounting Chief Osita Chidoka’s brief stint as an aviation minister, wrote:”On assumption of office, there were fears that he had little or no time to make meaningful impact with barely few months to the end of the tenure. He allayed these fears with the analogy that General Murtala Muhammed, Nigeria’s late Head of State, in just six months created twelve states, made Abuja Federal Capital and recorded several milestones that have endeared him to many Nigerians. Same cannot be said of some leaders who spent more time with little impact.” Chief Osita Chidoka is a doer. He reaffirms Chinua Achebe sayings in Things Fall Apart,”Age was respected among his people, but achievement was revered. As the elders say, if a child washes his hands he could eat with kings.” Chief Chidoka has washed his hands and can now eat with kings. Relatively new to the political sphere of Anambra state yet he is not daunted and believes strongly that he could cause an upset in the coming election. He is the new breath of fresh air in Anambra state politics, as Barrister Chuma Egeonu rightly observed. He added: “Chidoka is young with a lot of energy and roaring to go to the service of the state unlike all the others who have grown too old for modern day governance. This is the time for Nigerians especially Anambra state people to do away with these unserious people who have caused Anambra people much underdevelopment.” Chief Osita Chidoka no doubt, is a born leader, energetic and has not disappointed before in public service. A vote for him as the next governor won’t be out of place.

Another interesting contestant is Yul Edochie… Yes, Yul Edochie, DPC gubernatorial candidate. Yul is the child of the famous Nigerian actor, Chief Pete Edochie. He also has made a mark as an actor, one to reckon with in Nollywood. He is even the youngest of all the contestants. His guts are admirable and are an encouragement to Anambra State’s youths. He samples perfectly the not too young to run bill passed recently in the Senate. Just like every Anambra state person, Mr Yul Edochie is tired of promise and fail stories of politicians within the state. According to him, “Politicians have failed us. So, I am in the race to touch the lives of Anambra people positively. The people are tired of stories. The Anambra youth have an opportunity to show Nigerians if truly they feel it’s their time to rule or not.” His targets are simple – Anambra State Youths and Parents. Mr Yul Edochie, fondly called ‘Odogwu na Nteje’ (Nteje’s Strong man) accuses politicians of thinking about themselves and their families. His words: “One thing I have built for myself over the years is integrity, and I will do everything possible to maintain that integrity.” Confident of Mr Edochie’s chances, the state Chairman of DPC Party, Prince Ifejika, said with Mr. Edochie, the party was set to displace APGA from the seat of power in Anambra. Yul Edochie believes that “it’s time for the youth to take over. Old ways can never open new doors. Always remember that if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. The problems of Anambra people have come to the last bus stop. I want to become the next governor of Anambra State because I want to reduce poverty in the state, create jobs and rescue the future of the youth.” His sincerity of purpose and guts have qualify him to be next governor of the state. He re-echos the call for youth involvement in politics

Having laid bare the positive aspects of the contestants for the forthcoming Anambra state gubernatorial election, the baton is handed over to you now to choose rightly, howbeit harder it has become now. The goal of this writeup is to bring to the limelight the very good qualities of the next governor of Anambra state come November 18 2017. At this juncture, it is pertinent to send out a caveat that this writeup neither expresses a particular support for nor endorses any contestant. It only tries to show the good sides of the gladiators of Anambra state election arena; it calls for a deeper thinking before the election with the aim to continue the status quo of governance within the state or to correct the status quo.

Written by Iregbenu Paul.
[email protected]



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