

Presently, all the security chiefs of the Armed Forces of The Federal Republic of Nigeria, minus two and all the heads of all the paramilitary agencies in Nigeria, are from the Northern part of Nigeria; and they are so appointed by President Muhammadu Buhari. In addition, all the political-heads overseeing and supervising all these military and paramilitary arms and agencies are also from the North of Nigeria; and indeed, it was President Muhammadu Buhari that assigned and gave them such appointments. To say the least, this is seemingly the first time in Nigeria’s History that such a lopsided-appointment has been enforced; and Nigerians are nudged to believe that there is no anomaly in such a national-undertaking that could spark (make or mar) the national cohesive-psyche, threaten its oneness and indeed, may question or even dislocate its unity? It is bewildering! Surely, the implications of such-a-doing, is still to be highlighted and expatiated in the annals and records, and on the best ways a nation like Nigeria can properly move forward with this kind of reality on its psycho-social, and political body politic. Can the nation properly move forward developmentally, politically and otherwise with this kind of un-even and skewed appointments? Indeed, can the Nigerian nation-state move forward in all ramifications as it is expected from her with this kind of sidelining of some sections of the country—that is, with this kind of appointments?

The minus two (who are from the South), in the presently appointed, and who are amongst the security chiefs are: The Chief of General Staff (from Ondo State in the South West); and the Chief of Naval Staff (from Cross River State in the South-South); and none from The South East (Igboland–a major ethnic group in Nigeria). Indeed, the Chief of General Staff is the height of political (note: political) appointments in the Armed Forces. It is without doubt, a ceremonial military office without troops—except with the cooperation of the other Service Chiefs under him: Army, Airforce and Navy. The Chief of Naval Staff is a “white-wearing Chief” concerning himself at all times with the waters and the water-ways. In all, you and me know that modern warfare is mainly fought from the air; and the sumtotal action is on land—as embarked by the (land) Army—infantry, armored corps, signals, intelligence, etc. So, why is the South (especially the South East denied echelon-positions in atleast one of it) only given the “white-wearing Chief” position and the seemingly “Ceremonial-Chief” position that is called Chief of General Staff?

The all others (military and paramilitary and security political heads), that are appointed from the Northern part of Nigeria occupy the offices listed below. Indeed, the offices they hold are, thus:

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1. Chief of Army Staff

2. Chief of Air Staff

3. Inspector General of Police

4. Director General of the Department of State Security (DSS)

5. The Chief Security Adviser

6. Director General of the Civil Defense Corps (that bears arms now)

7. Chairman of The Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC—for financial ethics enforcement)

8. Comptroller General of Customs and Exercise

9. Controller General of Immigrations

10. Controller General of Prisons

11. Internal Affairs Minister

12. Minister of Defense

13. Secretary to the Federal Government (the political coordinating office of even the armed forces)

14. Chief of Staff to the President (a sort of security because of the sensitivity of the inner workings of the Presidency)

15. Chief of Protocol to the President (a sort of security also because of the sensitivity of the President’s movements and engagements)

16. Chairman of Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC—which enforces and guides the electoral process and security for the electorates/masses and democracy in Nigeria)

17. Director General of Security and Exchange Commission (SEC—enforces, regulates and guides the economic security of shareholders and the investment markets in Nigeria)

18. The Executive Vice Chairman/Chief Executive Officer of the Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC—enforces, regulates and guides communication networks—which is a modern security)

19. Director General of National Drug law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA—the drug tsars of the nation)

20. Director General of Asset Management Cooperation (AMCON—the debt recovery police in the investment sector)

22. Director General of Nigerian Deposit Insurance Cooperation (NDIC—involved in regulating banking activities in Nigeria)

23. Minister of Agriculture (overseas the food security and production in Nigeria and therefore the most important security)

24. Etc, etc, etc (including those others as appointed in other key sectors that are not listed here; and as the President can appoint as many other Northerners as he wishes).

A cursory or an in-depth/painstaking understudy or understanding of the list above, and as they are presently occupied by those of Northern Nigerian origin, makes nationalists to wonder where the reality of it will take the Nigerian nation-state to. Indeed, a deeply concerned Nigerian, who is truly a lover of Nigeria (in his heart of hearts), has pointed-out this fact in writing, recounting that: “According to the provisions of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, section 14, subsection 153, states that “the composition of Government of the Federation or any of its agencies and conduct of its affairs shall be carried out in such manner as to reflect the Federal character of Nigeria and the need to promote national unity and also command national loyalty, thereby ensuring that there shall be no predominance of persons from a few states or from a few ethnic or sectional groups in that government or in any agencies”’

Indeed, he went further to pin-point at the fact, that the “Federal Character Commission (FCC), was established by Act No 34 of 1996 to implement and enforce the Federal Character principle of fairness and equity in (the) distribution of public posts and socio-economic infrastructure among the various federating units of the Federal Republic of Nigeria”.

Furthermore, this said seemingly vociferous nationalist, in the same light (in his same and recently published treatise), penned also the fact that “not adhering to the rules of fairness and equity as ingrained in the FCC law in the appointment of Nigerians into public offices (in the security arms as this write-up is emphasizing-on) to balance the ethnic and religious realities in the country.…can only create more tension in Nigeria and subsequently more stress for his Presidency (that is: President Muhammadu Buhari’s Presidency) and tenure”.

Surely, the above statements: which are strong and heartfelt concerns indeed, evokes and behooves on other true lovers of our country to start considering the implications of the Presidents discretion in his appointment so far (including the above listed appointments—especially into the High Command of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria): which definitely tilts to over 80% of his key non-constitutional laid-down appointments, and over 90% of his security chiefs to a section of the country: The North! To say the least therefore, this writer and other concerned citizens like him—who are truly Pan-Nigerians (and Pan-Africanists) posits and asserts without equivocation that:

1. The appointments of Mr. President so far (especially into the nation’s Security High Commands/Echelon/Chiefs) does not help the Federal Character provisions of the country’s Constitution; and that of the Federal Character Commission (FCC) Act; and therefore, he needs to make urgent amends to calm overtly concerned citizens on this kind of national issue.

2. Let it also be said without hesitation, that this kind of discretional appointments, is laying-down a dangerous precedent that could cause trouble for the nation in the future times, if it exploited by mischief-makers (especially from the same North that is enjoying the present lopsided appointments as presently constituted), when the others (Southerners in the reverse case here) are in-power and are doing the same kind of thing (appointing all Southerners) as appointed now by Mr. President. We hope hell will not be let loose then—thereby making the nation to pay dearly for the mistakes of its past (as it is unfolding now in lopsided appointments).

3. Saying the truth and nothing but truth, without fear of favour, other parts of Nigeria (that are not included in the present appointments) fell sidelined/denied/unwanted and insecure, especially now when the said others dominate or predominates in the security apparatus, and especially at its High Command appointments.

4. Yes, it is good to appoint capable, intelligent, qualified and loyal people to high positions, no matter where they come from! This therefore means that the “Quota System and Federal Character” considerations in all appointments should be jettisoned immediately and henceforth, in all facets of our country; and only merit and meritocracy should be encouraged and emplaced.

In conclusion, this write-up will adopt the “Socratic-Dialectic” and method (asking questions in a bid to get answers on the asked questions) on this short essay; which is surely a concerning point-out on an issue that is presently hushed-up, un-largely and not-openly discussed in our country now, but which has future implications on its body-politic (socio-economic and politically). Indeed, the particular-pertaining questions many concerned citizens have continuously asked on this same issue—that is, on the lopsided appointments of Mr. President, especially as it concerns the appointment of all security chiefs minus two, from the Northern part of Nigeria, are: How come and why did Mr. President do this? Yes, eventhough he has the discretional-powers to do so (to appoint whomsoever he wants to appoint no matter where he/she comes from), does the nature of our nation’s ingrained sentiments and sensitivity not run counter to this kind of action? Again and again, one may further ask on his own: How come and why was this kind of one-sided appointments made in the security and paramilitary agencies (and their other related political heads) in Nigeria? Is it not a bad precedent? Can it not be corrected quickly for the good and harmony of the nation’s political-psyche and structural existence? Is this kind of sectional-tilted appointments sustainable? Does it give a sense of belonging and protection to all the other sections of this country?

On the bottom-line, please permit us to summate by adding a seemingly unpalatable quote as it concerns the present Federal Government-appointments-reality in our country, and as it relates to our write-up here, and which states thus: “When you add the fact that The President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of The Federal Republic of Nigeria, The President of the Senate, The Speaker of the Federal House of Representatives and The Chief Justice of the Federation (eventhough not appointed by Mr. President), are all from the Northern part of Nigeria, and they all have immense or sort of influence on the Armed Forces (through Executive, Legislative inputs and oversights and Judicial sanctions); and bearing in mind also, that many of the Permanent Secretaries and Directors in key Federal Ministries are all from the North, one can now believe that the journey towards the Northern hegemonic rule is not far from where we are presently”. And to this, this writer adds, asking: Will the end of such a journey be nice? Your answer will be as good as mine!

Written by Ejike Kingsley Osuji.
[email protected]



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