NewsNew Book On Benin Kingdom, To Retell History of Benin People

New Book On Benin Kingdom, To Retell History of Benin People

SAN FRANCISCO, OCTOBER 18, (THEWILL) – Efforts at retelling the Benin history is gaining traction with a new book titled “The Benin Monarchy: An Anthology of Benin History” (the Benin Red Book), which is set to unravel and expose the best of Benin by telling about its history, heritage, culture and developments.

The Benin Red Book is narrated from a historical perspective, with the aim of setting earlier historical accounts straight and advancing the course of the kingdom beyond the shores of Africa.

Plans for the launch of the well-researched book were unveiled recently at a press conference held at the Palace of Omo N’Oba N’Edo, Ewuare II, the Oba of Benin. At the media parley, members of the Global Book Presentation Committee (GBPC), shared light on the steps being taken to launch the book and emphasized the crucial role the book will play in propagating the rich Benin culture.

The new book, which weighs 6.8 kg, features 599 pages of meticulously researched articles and 441 iconic images and contributions by 18 scholars who are respected within and outside Nigeria on Benin history. The book is published by Wells-Crimson Limited under the auspices of the Oba Ewuare Foundation in collaboration with the Benin Traditional Council.

The book has the approval and blessings of the Oba of Benin who communicate his blessings in the following words: “With the authority vested in me by Almighty God and our ancestors, I grant approval to the publishers to convene historians, anthropologists and essayists to put the history of our kingdom in perspective as we, the most intimately concerned in this epic, can tell it, in its truest details”.

Describing the book in his speech at the press conference, Ambassador Martin Uhomoibhi, chairman of the book’s Global Book Presentation Committee, noted that it is a distinctive publication from the perspective of aesthetics and intellectual content.

The committee chairman explained that the new book does not negate previous books on Benin history, rather it builds on previous narratives and reconciles the accounts, to create for the readers a chronicle which illustrates all the features, personalities and dynamics that have framed the Benin monarchy.

Following the successful media parley at the palace, members of the committee which includes Matt Aikhiobare, Daniel Inneh, Osaretin Osunde, Prince Omoregbe Erediauwa, John Omoregbe, Olumide Akpata and Frank Irabor, are working assiduously to ensure that the success extends after October 20, 2018 when the book will be officially launched at a ceremony which will be graced by dignitaries from across the world.

For readers who wish to get a copy of the book, Uhomoibhi noted that the book would be on sale on and other online and offline distribution channels. He further stated that the book launch would also feature the flag-off of a satellite town along the Benin-Agbor road and a formal dinner.

It would seem that His Royal Majesty, the Omo N’Oba N’Edo, Ewuare II, the Oba of Benin, is quite passionate about preserving the rich culture and heritage of his people, taking into consideration the heavy incursion of western culture which has eroded cultural values across Africa.

Beyond that, as the chief custodian of the ancient Benin culture, the Benin monarch desires to retell the story of his kingdom from an insider and correct perspective.


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