NewsNEMA DG, Maihaja, Expelled From APC

NEMA DG, Maihaja, Expelled From APC

SAN FRANCISCO, June 15, (THEWILL) – The All Progressive Congress (APC) in Yobe State has expelled the newly appointed Director General of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Engr. Mustapha Yunusa Maihaja, from the party for taking it to court.

Maihaja had challenged the eligibility of Gov. Ibrahim Gaidam for the April 2015 governorship polls up to the Supreme Court which brought an end to a protracted legal battle early June in favour of Gaidam.

Irked by the action of Maihaja, who had made attempt to contest as governor in 2015 but was denied by the party ticket, the party leadership in the state therefore expelled him over what they describe as flagrant abuse of the party constitution.

His expulsion was contained in a statement issued and signed by the state secretary of the party, Alhaji Abubakar Bakabe together with the Acting Chairman Adamu Chilariye and made available to newsmen in Damaturu.

It said part of the DG’s sins against the party was the abuse of the APC constitution by filing court action against the governorship election in Yobe state without exhausting other avenues of seeking redress provided for in the party constitution

It quoted the party constitution as; “Section 21’D’ sub-section (V) also states that any member who files an action in court of law against the party or any of its officer on any matter relating to the discharge of the duties of the party without first exhausting the avenues for redress provided for in this constitution shall automatically stand expelled on filing such action and no appeal against the expulsion is stipulated in this cause shall be entertained until the withdrawal of the action from court by the member.

It also claimed that Maihaja “refused to explore all available avenues and flagrantly abused the constitution by instituting a court action against the party until the determination of the case by the Supreme court which ruled in favour of the party and Governor Ibrahim Gaidam” adding that his action caused divisions, disaffection, disunity and lack of loyalty within the ranks and file of the party in the state.

“In view of this therefore, the party has expelled Mustapha Yunusa Maihaja indefinitely and is hereby advised from this day to desist from parading himself as a member of the party” the statement said.

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