Entertainment & SocietyMo Abudu Adds Another Feather To Her Cap

Mo Abudu Adds Another Feather To Her Cap

BEVERLY HILLS, March 15, (THEWILL) – Media mogul, Mo Abudu, has done it again. In commemoration of the International Women’s Day, last week, American lifestyle magazine, Variety, named her the 2021 Variety Magazine International Women’s Leadership Award winner, with an exclusive editorial feature dedicated to her and the work she does at EbonyLife, her movie production brand, in telling African stories through films.

This recognition is coming barely a month after she joined forces with Jada Pinkett-Smith and Will Sm ith’s Westbrook Studios to create film and television projects connected to Africa.

Prior to that, in January precisely, she snagged another partnership with Sony Pictures Television (SPT), a US entertainment firm, to develop scripted African TV series targeted at a global audience.

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