Global NewsMalaysian Flight 370 Ended In The Indian Ocean, Says Prime Minister

Malaysian Flight 370 Ended In The Indian Ocean, Says Prime Minister

… “All Lives Are Lost”, Families Have Been Told

BEVERLY HILLS, CA, March 24, (THEWILL) – Malaysian Prime Minister, Mr. Najib Razak, in a press conference on Monday said British investigators have concluded that based on new analysis of data missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 ended in the Southern Indian Ocean.

Families of the 239 persons onboard the airline which went missing over two weeks ago have been told by the airline’s representatives that “All lives are lost”, according to one of the relatives of persons on board.

Australian planes helping in the search for the missing plane in the Indian Ocean today said they sighted “a grey or green circular object,” and “an orange rectangular object.” The objects are however yet to be recovered.

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