FeaturesIWD 2024: Pushing For More Women's Voices

IWD 2024: Pushing For More Women’s Voices

March 18, (THEWILL) – Nigerian women from all walks of life and their counterparts across the globe celebrated their achievements while seeking gender equality at this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD).

The IWD, held on March 8, 2024, with the theme: “Invest In Women: Accelerate Progress” and the IWD campaign theme: ‘Inspire Inclusion’ acknowledged the strength, resilience, and contributions of women in society.

The idea of IWD was conceived and birthed by Clara Zetkin during the second National Women’s Day in the year 1910.


These women, no doubt, were determined to build a sane environment in which their voices could be heard if supported by society and private and public institutions.

Besides, women who are teachers play vital roles in shaping the moral sense and values of children. Children learn a lot from society, as they spend more active parts of the day in school. Research, however, has proven that wards are more compliant with the rules and regulations in schools than in society.

Nigerian women, in their relentless pursuit of economic empowerment and gender equality, need more women’s voices to resonate with the view to give an unfeigned commitment to creating a more inclusive and equitable society where every woman has a good time to muddle through.

To successfully achieve this, they agreed to continue to advocate for more women to assume leadership roles in government institutions.

However, many are of the view that most governments adopt a set of ideas as the basis for women to make decisions, especially in politics and business.

Recall that on March 9, 2024, THEWILL online version published an article which stated, “We are celebrating women who have been successful in all spheres of lives – politically, economically, socially, culturally and in all human fields despite all odds.”

To deal with same, there was also a publication in THEWILL, a day after IWD 2024, in which Dr Lois Onyike said: “We should speak against child marriages, teenage pregnancy and child abuse and stop the vices which are becoming rampant. These children are not mature or ripe enough to have babies, they are like babies carrying other babies. It has led to diseases, infant mortality or untimely death.”

Speaking with journalists recently, the Managing Director of Novo Health Africa, Dr. Dorothy Jeff-Nnamani, said, “The loss of traditional values in Nigeria stems from many issues like corruption and economic problems. As a woman and mother, it’s sad to see how this affects our kids. They grow up thinking that money is more important than being honest and kind. We all, meaning the government, communities, and families, need to focus on teaching kids better values.

“While women play a crucial role in all facets of human life, government policies in Nigeria often fail to adequately address the unique needs and challenges faced by women. From poor healthcare quality to education and systemic barriers in the workplace, women continue to struggle with inequalities that hinder their ability to thrive and contribute fully to society.

“The state of the country profoundly affects women across various facets of their lives. Economic instability, political unrest, and social inequalities exacerbate existing gender disparities, making it increasingly challenging for women to thrive. The government can support women and address challenges by implementing policies promoting gender equality across sectors, enforcing laws to protect women’s rights and prevent gender-based violence, investing in healthcare access, supporting women entrepreneurs with resources and training, addressing gender-based violence through awareness campaigns and support services, and promoting women’s participation in decision-making through affirmative action measures.”

Dr. Adeola Ekinne, the Chairperson of the Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ), Lagos State chapter, said, “As we celebrate International Women’s Day, it’s essential to reflect on the remarkable resilience and strength of Nigerian women in the face of numerous challenges. Nigerian women of today are a testament to the tenacity and determination required to make ends meet in the midst of various socio-economic obstacles.

“In the context of the struggle to make ends meet, Nigerian women demonstrate unparalleled resilience as they navigate a complex web of responsibilities, including providing for their families, pursuing education and careers, and actively participating in community development.

“In the face of challenges such as poverty, lack of access to financial resources, and societal expectations, Nigerian women exhibit remarkable resilience, creativity, and resourcefulness in finding innovative solutions to make ends meet.

“However, the impact of government policies on women’s lives varies depending on the specific policies in place, the context in which they are implemented, and the effectiveness of their implementation.

“The state of the nation plays a significant role in shaping the experiences and well-being of women, as they are often affected by social, economic, and political challenges. In Nigeria, women face a myriad of issues ranging from gender-based violence and discrimination to limited access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

“Many women journalists are actively engaged in writing against injustice and domestic violence, shining a light on these important issues and advocating for change. However, it’s essential to recognise that the extent to which women journalists are able to address these issues may vary depending on various factors, including the media outlet they work for, editorial policies, personal safety considerations, and societal attitudes towards gender-based violence.”

According to the Proprietress of Elohim Kids Montessori Schools, Mother Fidelia Nwuba, “Inspiring Inclusion means taking action and fostering an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and included, regardless of their gender, background, or identity.

“It’s about embracing diversity and ensuring that everyone has equal opportunities and representation. By promoting inclusivity, we can create a more harmonious and equitable society.

“Women face challenges at home when it comes to traditional gender roles and expectations. Unequal division of household chores and caregiving responsibilities can limit their ability to pursue their own goals and aspirations.

“In business, women often encounter obstacles such as gender bias, unequal pay, and limited opportunities for career advancement. They may also face issues like workplace harassment and discrimination based on their gender.

“In politics, women continue to face significant barriers such as gender bias, limited representation, finance and lack of support from political parties.”

Amb. Nneka Isaac-Moses, Co-founder and Managing Director, Goge Africa Worldwide Limited, said it is indeed a time to reflect on the invaluable contributions of women to nation-building and the challenges we face across various spheres.

According to Isaac-Moses, women have played crucial roles in nation-building throughout history, contributing significantly to social, economic, and political development.

“Our impact can be seen in various sectors, such as education, healthcare, business, entertainment and governance. As women, we have demonstrated resilience, innovation, and leadership in driving positive change and progress in our communities and societies.

“However, despite these contributions, we continue to face numerous challenges that hinder our full participation and advancement. At home, women often encounter gender-based discrimination, unequal distribution of household responsibilities, and limited decision-making power. In the business world, women face barriers such as limited access to finance, gender bias, and lack of opportunities for career advancement,” she noted.

For the International Patients Services and Business Development, African Region, Amina Zahiri said: “Today, it’s harder for women as mothers to establish a healthy educational system, and instil the right values and morals into their children. Social media and technology don’t help either. One of the biggest problems social media created was the misconception of freedom and the way it is shaping it. We’re having new generations who can’t tell the difference between freedom and insolence.”

The 33-year-old Moroccan noted that the “Government indeed implements policies that affect women positively, gives them opportunities to speak up for their rights, and to advocate for their own communities.”

Janefrances Chibuzor, THEWILLhttps://thewillnews.com
Janefrances Ebere Chibuzor is a Tourism Writer at THEWILL

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