HeadlineInsecurity: UK Issues Travel Advisory, Lists 7 Nigerian States With High Level...

Insecurity: UK Issues Travel Advisory, Lists 7 Nigerian States With High Level Threat

March 30, (THEWILL) –The Government of the United Kingdom has warned against travel to seven states in Northern Nigeria, citing recent terrorists attack on a Kaduna-bound train.


The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), disclosed this on the UK government website.



The FCDO stated that in Northern Nigeria, Borno , Yobe , Adamawa , Gombe , Kaduna , Katsina and Zamfara states are prone to violence and kidnapping.


“The FCDO advise against all travel to Borno State, Yobe State, Adamawa State, Gombe State, Kaduna State, Katsina State, and Zamfara State. Violent attacks are frequent and there is a high threat of kidnap. On 26 March 2022, gunmen launched an attack against Kaduna airport, killing at least one airport official in the latest in a series of attacks by gunmen in the north of Nigeria.


“On the evening of 29 March 2022, an apparent Improvised Explosive Device attack took place against a train travelling from Abuja to Kaduna. Reports suggest that a number of people were killed and that others were abducted by gunmen. Train services are now suspended between Abuja and Kaduna”, it stated.


THEWILL reports that the Kaduna-bound train with 362 passengers on board was on Monday night attacked by terrorists.


The attack came a few days after the terrorists attacked the Kaduna International Airport, where an aircraft was prevented from taking off.


The 6pm train, which took off from Idu Train Station at the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), reportedly hit an explosive device about 30 minutes to Rigasa train station in Kaduna.


The gunmen were said to have blown up the rail track, forcing the 1000-capacity train to derail around Rijana, a village on the rail corridor in Kaduna.


As of Tuesday, the Kaduna State Government said it received the detailed passenger manifest for the affected Abuja-Kaduna train service AK9 from the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC).


“According to the documents received, 398 passengers bought tickets for the trip, but 362 were validated as having boarded the train through the recognised turnstile.


“Furthermore, security agencies have reported that eight bodies were recovered and 26 persons were injured during the attack”, the Kaduna Government said.


The sad development has thrown the nation into mourning and has compelled the Federal Government to order the speedy implementation of integrated security surveillance and monitoring solutions for railway lines.


On Wednesday, President Buhari along with other members the Federal Executive Council (FEC), observed a minute silence in honour of dead victims of the bombed train.



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