Entertainment & SocietyI Was Diagnosed With Kidney Tumour In 2022 - Uche Nancy Recounts...

I Was Diagnosed With Kidney Tumour In 2022 – Uche Nancy Recounts Ordeal



March 04, (THEWILL) – Nollywood actress, Uche Nancy, has revealed how she battled for her health in 2022, after being diagnosed with a tumour in the kidney.

The actress cum producer, took to Instagram while marking her birthday this year to recount how God saved her from the jaws of death.

According to her, she was first diagnosed with arthritis and was placed on medication, but the pain remained unbearable.

Her children decided to try another hospital, where she was advised to do a general check-up. It was after a series of tests that it was discovered that she has a tumour in one of her kidneys, while the arthritis was minor.

“I have a testimony to share with you.

Throughout last year, I was having health issues after a series of tests, I was diagnosed with Arthritis and was placed on medication. However, the pain remained constant and on some days, I had difficulty moving. My children decided I try another hospital, so we tried Evercare Hospital.

“Upon meeting the doctor, I was advised to do a general checkup and MRI. The result stated that the Arthritis I had was minor, but to my greatest shock, the doctor said something was discovered in my right kidney and I needed to do more tests to confirm what it was.

“I was directed to a specialist and after a series of tests, it was confirmed that I had a tumour in my right kidney and it may be cancerous. Upon hearing this, my daughter, Chinenye and I were in complete shock and frightened.

“Chinenye cried so much not minding where she was and as I sat there deep in thought and wondering what was going to happen, I saw on the white wall, “Be Strong, Everything Written About You is Great. This gave me strength for the days ahead.

“Every morning I was at the altar of fire, praying and worshipping with pastor@jerryeze of NSPDD. We prayed together till crossover 2023 and we were given a date for the operation.

“We were told the affected area in my kidney will be cut off, that’s half of my kidney, but after proper assessment and with the doctor’s recommendation, only the tumour was removed and the operation as you can tell went successfully.

“After removal of the tumour, they were examined to check if it was cancerous and I am happy to let you know that it was a benign tumour, which is not cancerous.

“This is what God has done for me and it is marvellous in my sight!

“My children were with me till the very end, from diagnosis, operation and healing. They are my backbone and my biggest achievement”, she wrote.


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