NewsGov Diri Hands Over New Finance Building To NUPRC

Gov Diri Hands Over New Finance Building To NUPRC

June 24, (THEWILL) – On Friday, his Excellency, Senator Douye Diri, Governor of Bayelsa State, handed over the newly built Finance building to the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) as a temporary office.

NUPRC is part of Alternative Dispute Resolution to resolve disputes in oil-producing communities in the Niger Delta region.

At the handover, Governor Diri commended Chief Government Ekpemupolo, alias Tompolo. for having heard of the relocation of the ADRC and influencing it to Bayelsa State, stating that he has displayed nationalism in the highest form to the people of the Niger Delta region.


“This building was designed and tagged as meant for the Ministry of Finance and was completed in record time. And so, the Ministry of Finance was preparing and warming up to pack into their new building.

“However, within the same period, I received a letter from the NUPRC, requesting an office space for an Alternative Dispute Resolution centre, to be established here in Bayelsa State in Yenagoa, which from all the information we had, was to be centred in Lagos.

“And one of our sons, who learned about it, came against it and started moving towards relocating the ADRC to the region where the dispute originated.

“So, I like to, at this juncture, commend one of our own very strong nationalists, a very prosperous Ijaw son, Government Ekpemupolo, alias Tompolo, for being one of the strong voices behind the relocation of the ADRC to the centre where you have the disputes.

“So, on behalf of the Government and good people of Bayelsa State, send our warm greetings to our brother, who has displayed nationalism in the highest of its form to the people of the Niger Delta, and indeed to the Ijaw ethnic nationality.

Having said that, I hereby, on behalf of the Government and the good people of Bayelsa State, hand over this edifice to you as a temporary office”, Governor Diri stated.

The delegation was led by Captain Roland Tonlagha, Executive Commissioner, Health, Safety, Community and Environment in the Commission.

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