SportsEnglish Club Owners To Get New Charter As Fallout Of ESL Misadventure

English Club Owners To Get New Charter As Fallout Of ESL Misadventure

BEVERLY HILLS, May 04, (THEWILL) – As institutionalised football structures across Europe continue to restrategise with measures to counter a recurrence of the European Super League project that almost shredded the established order of world football, newer checks and balances are starting to crop up as a means to nip any similar adventures in the bud.

For the English Premier League, this comes with the introduction of a new Owners’ Charter.

THEWILL recalls that the EPL “Big Six” of the two Manchester clubs: United and City, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur all agreed to join the ESL in April, which quickly collapsed within days of the announcement after the avalanche of condemnation and backlash that followed.


The strategy of this EPL charter is that it will mandate club owners in England to commit to “the core principles” of the Premier League, failure of which will be met by punishments “significant” enough to discourage non-compliance.

And, this comes as the enquiry into the six clubs and their actions regarding the ESL was launched by the League.

The EPL considered it disruptive of the six that took an active part in forming the ESL, and established the basis of the enquiry thus: “The actions of a few clubs cannot be allowed to create such division and disruption. We are determined to establish the truth of what happened and hold those clubs accountable for their decisions and actions.”

For the English Football Association, it was unbecoming of the six clubs to proceed with the formation of the breakaway League and may require some censure. They made this obvious in their statement, part of which read: “We wrote to all of the clubs to formally request all relevant information and evidence regarding their participation.

“Once we have the required information, we will consider what appropriate steps to take.”

These warnings come at the heels of calls from other teams, governing bodies, and fan organisations, for the clubs to be openly punished, in ways that could include fines, bans and severe point deductions.

In its plans to forestall any future acts of such, the Premier League said it would also bring into force “additional rules and regulation to ensure the principles of the Premier League and open competition are protected.

“The events of the last two weeks have challenged the foundations and resolve of English football. These measures are designed to stop the threat of breakaway leagues in the future,” they added.

On Sunday, Manchester United fans prevented their team coach from attending the match against Liverpool, and invaded the Old Trafford pitch, in protest at the Glazer family ownership, which caused the match to be postponed. A new date is yet to be set for the game to be played.

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Jude Obafemi, THEWILL
Jude Obafemi is a versatile senior Correspondent at THEWILL Newspapers, excelling in sourcing, researching, and delivering sports news stories for both print and digital publications.

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