NewsEid-El-Maulud: Imbibe Teachings Of Prophet Muhammed - Ajadi Charges Muslims, Nigerians

Eid-El-Maulud: Imbibe Teachings Of Prophet Muhammed – Ajadi Charges Muslims, Nigerians

September 27, ,(THEWILL) – A Chieftain of New Nigeria People’s Party (NNPP), Ambassador Olufemi Ajadi Oguntoyinbo, has felicitated with all Muslims across Ogun state and country at large on the Eid-el Malud celebration.

He urged the people to uphold the virtues of Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) even as he charged Muslims and non-Muslims to imbibe holiness, which characterised the conduct of the Prophet during his sojourn on earth.

Ajadi in a goodwill message marking the birth of Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) remarked that the citizens should be united in love and use this opportunity to pray for Ogun state and the Country as whole, as well as those saddled with leadership responsibility, for wisdom from the Almighty Allah to take right decisions that would lead to nation’s building.


He called on Muslim faithfuls to re-dedicate themselves to the struggle for the emancipation of the new Nigeria as they reflect on the ideals and teachings of Allah.

The NNPP gubernatorial candidate in the 2023 elections in Ogun state, noted that Nigeria as a great nation would overcome all her challenges with the help of Allah, stressing that everyone should resolve to build a country where goals and aspirations of the people would be met, while urging them to remember the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), which according to him encouraged strong commitment to the development of the society.

He also used this opportunity to appeal to the youths to shun violence and resist any temptation to be influenced negatively, reminding them that Prophet for which his birth was being commemorated was a lover of peace.

He reminded them that with hard work and the fear of God, their dreams would become a reality.

While wishing all Muslims a happy Eid-el Malud, Ajadi urged the Muslims and Christians to continue to live in peace and harmony with one another, stressing that no meaningful progress had ever been achieved in an atmosphere of chaos.

About the Author

Ayo Esan

AYO ESAN, has been actively reporting and analyzing political events for different newspapers for over 18 years. He has also successfully covered national and state elections in Nigeria since the inception of this democracy in 1999.

AYO ESAN, has been actively reporting and analyzing political events for different newspapers for over 18 years. He has also successfully covered national and state elections in Nigeria since the inception of this democracy in 1999.

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