The death of the amiable, hardworking Senator Pius Ewherido threw up a political vacuum in Delta Central Senatorial Zone. The late senator was the best the zone has ever presented since this political dispensation. He was a listening senator who fought to bring projects to his constituency. His voice was not only heard but he matched his words with action. He was beloved by his people. His death therefore came as a rude shock.

Late Senator Ewherido, not satisfied with the political situation in Delta State decided to join hands with like minds to form the new liberation party – All Progressive Congress (APC). He was in the thick of its formation. His sole purpose and agenda was the liberation of Delta State (nay Nigeria) from the hands of those who have contributed in under developing the country and enslaving the people. Unfortunately, he didn’t live to see the actualization of his dreams.

Nature abhors vacuum. His position in the senate has to be filled via a democratic process. APC can be said to be new but the members are patriotic and passionate about the development of the country. Two prominent sons of Delta Central – Oloroguns O’tega Emerhor and Festus Keyamo rose to fill the giant shoes left by Senator Ewherido.

Olorogun Festus Keyamo is not a strange name in Nigeria. A very successful lawyer, an activist and social crusader, Bar Keyamo has taken advantage of his profession to confront the powers that be. He has been able (at the risk of his life and freedom) to bring succor and justice to many. Nevertheless, in Delta State politics, nothing much was known about him. He was therefore stepping into the political terrain where he has neither political base nor structure. Though worthy to be a successor to the late Ewherido, his lack of political base coupled with some costly and ill advised political moves will cost him the APC candidacy. He would have been a vibrant representative as he is in his social crusading wars.

Olorogun Emerhor will also be a worthy successor to the late senator. Olorogun Emerhor, the Evwreni born politician is a financial guru.  He has been in politics since this political dispensation. His name is like a re occurring decimal in Delta State politics. Olorogun O’tega Emerhor, Chief Executive Officer to many blue chip companies in Nigeria and beyond is genuinely loved by his people. In Urhoboland, this chattered accountant’s name is synonymous with philanthropy. He has contributed immensely to the Urhobo cause.

He has vied as a governor and senator in past elections. He was unfortunate not to have the party tickets in those years of his sojourn into elective office. He has in the process built up a political base in his senatorial zone. Though, he was in the ruling party during the first few years of this political era, he later realized that development can never come from this corruption ridden party. True and time tested democracy can also never be realized in the ruling party.

To actualize his dream and satisfy the yearnings of his people, Olorogun Emerhor has to move to where the will of the people will be paramount. Today, he is a key member of All Progressive Congress (APC), the party that will bring the needed change and development to Nigeria. He worked assiduously to win the party ticket. In the primaries, Olorogun Emerhor emerged the party’s candidate for the vacant senatorial seat.

Today, the struggle has gone to another level – how to transform this victory at the primaries to electoral victory at the polls. Delta State today is in need of change. Like Walter Rodney will say, some few Deltans have helped in under developing the state. This must not be allowed to continue. Delta State with its abundant human and natural resources must not be allowed to degenerate to a state where nothing works.

Corruption is on the rise. Infrastructural decay beautifies the landscape. Our schools are some of the worst in the country in terms of infrastructure and performance. Insecurity is on the increase. Kokori in the heartland of Delta Central is under siege. Unemployment is on the rise. Our hospitals are mere consulting clinics. This is what APC has come to rectify and who is better to do this at the national assembly than Olorogun O’tega Emerhor.

The APC primaries have come and gone. Not all contestants will be satisfied with the process but as true democrats, we must accept the results as expressed by the people. There can never be a flawless event organized by man. APC as a democratic party has proven again after the Anambra experience that it will preach and practice democracy. It will continue to improve. We cannot all be winners neither can we all be losers. In this primaries organized to choose the APC senatorial candidate, the party is the winner.

Let us therefore as true democrats desirous of the needed change in Delta Central join hands with the APC candidate; Olorogun O’tega Emerhor to ensure that he clinches the senatorial seat. Let it not be said that because of some perceived wrongs that we will allow the party that has destroyed the state to win the seat. Let it not be said that we allowed the rot in the state to continue by not joining the people to fight for their freedom. Let it not be said that we helped in mortgaging the future of our children, children unborn and our youths by sitting on the fence. Let it not be said that we aided in the educational decay in the state by not joining APC in its quest to free the state from its path to doom. Let it not be said that Delta State will continue to live in 18th century in the twenty first century world because we abandoned the people when we were needed most.

Let it be said that because of the zeal and contributions by patriots such as Bar Festus Keyamo, Olorogun O’tega Emerhor, Dr Otive Igbuzor and many other compatriots, that Delta Central was liberated from the hands of Pharaoh and on the move to the promised land. This is a task that must be done.



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