Sam Diala, THEWILL

1285 POSTS
Sam Diala is a Bloomberg Certified Financial Journalist with over a decade of experience in reporting Business and Economy. He is Business Editor at THEWILL Newspaper, and believes that work, not wishes, creates wealth.

Exclusive articles:

Bank Chiefs, Others Jittery As EFCC Moves on Asset Declaration

...We are enforcing existing law - EFCC ...We will resist it – Bank Employees ...It could be a fruitless exercise – Legal Practitioner BEVERLY HILLS, March 22,...

NNPC: Concern Mounts Over Multi-Billion Naira Wasteful Spendings

BEVERLY HILLS, March 15, (THEWILL) - The public outcry over unbridled spending habit of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) which characterises its operations resonated...

Special Report: Kogi Investment Drive Turns Mirage Three Years After

BEVERLY HILLS, March 15, (THEWILL) - Undaunted by a deluge of criticism and negative media reports, the Kogi State Government braved a two-day Economic and...

States’ N8.3trn Budget: Hope Dims For Economic, Job Growth In 2021

BEVERLY HILLS, March 08, (THEWILL) - Notwithstanding the grandiose remarks accompanying the governors’ presentation of their 2021 budgets, (“Budget of Blush and Bliss” –...

SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: AMCON: Battling Real, Unreal Debtors

...Parties Allege Victimisation ...Accuse Agency of Disregard For Court Orders ...N4trn Debt Threatened BEVERLY HILLS, March 07, (THEWILL) - The Assets Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) is...