Sam Diala, THEWILL

1285 POSTS
Sam Diala is a Bloomberg Certified Financial Journalist with over a decade of experience in reporting Business and Economy. He is Business Editor at THEWILL Newspaper, and believes that work, not wishes, creates wealth.

Exclusive articles:

Anchor Borrowers’ Programme: CBN Moves to Avert 2m Job Losses  

BEVERLY HILLS, April 11, (THEWILL) - To save over two million jobs and avert threats to about N200 billion projects nationwide, the Central Bank of...

Tier-1 Banks Outsourced N277bn Services In 5yrs – Investigation

BEVERLY HILLS, April 05, (THEWILL) - Nigeria’s Tier-1 deposit money banks (DMBs) recorded outsourced services of over N277 billion within a five-year period –...

Fiscal Practice: TSA On Vacation As Anomaly Takes Centre Stage

BEVERLY HILLS, March 29, (THEWILL) - SAM DIALA writes that the Treasury Single Account (TSA) seems to have suffered serial breaches – suggesting that...

SPECIAL REPORT: Imo: Dilemma Of Eastern Heartland

BEVERLY HILLS, March 29, (THEWILL) - The prevailing circumstance in Imo State can be likened to that of a crew rescued from a sinking...

FINANCIAL INCLUSION: Despite Covid-19, POS Transactions Continue To Change The Game

BEVERLY HILLS, March 22, (THEWILL) - Investigation THEWILL has revealed that the Covid-19 pandemic impacted Point of Sale (POS) transactions in several ways during the...