Marcel Okeke, THEWILL


Exclusive articles:

FEATURES: Exit Of GlaxoSmithKline From Nigeria: What Lessons?

August 20, (THEWILL) - The sudden exit of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Consumer Nigeria Plc announced via a letter to the Board of directors of the...

Nigeria’s Ease Of Doing Business: Any Hope?

Despite the hype and propaganda that hallmarked the work of the Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council (PEBEC) under former President Muhammadu Buhari administration, there...

The Economist’s Doing Business Ranking: Whither Nigeria?

The Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) of the London-based The Economist magazine has just published “assessing the best countries for doing business”, in order to...

Nigerian Economy: Fresh Agenda For New Beginning

In a matter of days, the Muhammadu Buhari Administration will hand over to a ‘brand new’ government. By implication, the control of the economy,...

Ponzi Bill: Attempt at Sanitising Nigeria’s Financial Markets?

In the latest of efforts aimed at strengthening the functioning of Nigeria’s capital market and protect investors, the National Assembly on 29 March 2023...