Associated Press

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Italy Quarantines North In Drastic Bid To Slow Virus Spread

Italy took a page from China’s playbook Sunday, attempting to lock down 16 million people — more than a quarter of its population —...

Royal Farewell: Harry, Meghan On Final Duty Before New Life

It’s definitely a farewell. But will it be fond? Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, will fulfill their final royal commitment...

Oil Plunges 25% As Another Virus-Fueled Trading Week Begins

Oil prices are plunging amid concern a dispute among producers could lead a global economy weakened by COVID-19 to be awash in an oversupply...

Public Enemy Kicks Out Flavor Flav After Campaign Dispute

Public Enemy has abruptly fired founding member Flavor Flav following a public spat over a decision by members of the rap pioneers to perform...

Harvey Weinstein Found Guilty In Landmark #MeToo Moment

Harvey Weinstein was convicted Monday of rape and sexual assault against two women and and was immediately handcuffed and led off to jail, sealing...