NewsAPRA Commiserates With PR Society, Malawi Govt Over VP Chilima’s Death

APRA Commiserates With PR Society, Malawi Govt Over VP Chilima’s Death

June 13, (THEWILL) – The African Public Relations Association (APRA) has expressed heartfelt condolences to the Public Relations Society of Malawi (PRSM, an institutional member of APRA), the government and citizens of the Republic of Malawi over the tragic plane crash that claimed the lives of the Vice President of Malawi, H.E. Dr. Saulos Chilima, and nine others on June 10, 2024.

In a condolence letter dated June 11, 2024, and addressed to Benson Linje, the President of PRSM, the continental association described the incident as a “huge loss, not only to the people of Malawi but also to the African continent.”

The letter reads in part: “We write to express our profound shock and sadness at the tragic plane crash that caused the death of H.E. Dr. Saulos Chilima, the Vice President of Malawi, and nine others on Monday, June 10, 2024.

“On behalf of the African Public Relations Association (APRA), we extend our heartfelt condolences to you, our colleagues in the Public Relations Society of Malawi, and the great people of Malawi.

“As always and especially this time of national mourning, we stand in solidarity with the people of Malawi. We share in the pain and the grief at tending this huge loss, not only to the people of Malawi but to the African continent.

“The Council and all members (institutional, corporate and individual) of APRA offer heartfelt sympathies and will continue to remember the great people of Malawi in our entreaties.”

The APRA prayed that the cherished memories of the departed would bring strength and that the support of friends, colleagues, compatriots, other pan-Africanists and lovers around the world would help to bring PRSM and the people of Malawi comfort in the tragic incident. It also prayed that the families, friends, and loved ones of the deceased find strength and be comforted over this tragedy.

“Please rest assured that, as we mourn the passing of these distinguished personalities and individuals, we also celebrate their lives and contributions to the Republic of Malawi and our dear continent. May their souls rest in peace,” it added.

About the Author

Sam Diala is a Bloomberg Certified Financial Journalist with over a decade of experience in reporting Business and Economy. He is Business Editor at THEWILL Newspaper, and believes that work, not wishes, creates wealth.

Sam Diala, THEWILL
Sam Diala is a Bloomberg Certified Financial Journalist with over a decade of experience in reporting Business and Economy. He is Business Editor at THEWILL Newspaper, and believes that work, not wishes, creates wealth.

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