HeadlineAdo Bayero: Nigerians Mourn As Emir Of Kano Passes On

Ado Bayero: Nigerians Mourn As Emir Of Kano Passes On

…President Jonathan, PDP, Atiku, Tambuwal, Uduaghan Condole With Kano People

SAN FRANCISCO, June 06, (THEWILL) –  Messages of condolence have been pouring in as Nigerians from all the nooks and crannies of the country continue to mourn the passing away, Friday morning, of the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Ado Abdullahi Bayero.

President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan , in a statement by his spokesman, Dr. Reuben Abati, said he received with immense sadness and a deep feeling of great national loss, news of the passing away of the highly revered Emir.

“On behalf of himself, his family, the Federal Government and the people of Nigeria, President Jonathan commiserates with the Emir’s family and all the people of Kano over whom the departed Emir presided illustriously as traditional ruler for more than half a century.

“The President joins them in mourning the monarch whose uncommon leadership qualities and evident faith in the peace, unity, progress, and prosperity of Nigeria combined to make him one of the most respected traditional rulers in the country during his long and very successful reign.

“President Jonathan believes that Alhaji Ado Bayero will always be remembered and honoured by the people of Kano and all Nigerians for his immense wisdom and competence as a traditional ruler, as well as for using his exalted throne to build bridges of unity, friendship and harmony across the nation.

“The President reaffirms his declaration on the occasion of the Emir’s 50th anniversary celebrations last year that the late Alhaji Ado Bayero was one of the most decent and respectable Nigerians he has had the privilege of interacting with, and he will always treasure pleasant memories of their last meeting earlier this year.

“He prays that the Almighty Allah will receive the late Emir’s great soul and grant the good people of Kano a worthy successor who will carry on his good works and wise rule for the well-being and benefitof all Nigerians,” the statement said.

The National Working Committee of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) In a statement by the party’s National Publicity Secretary, Chief Olisa Metuh, said it received the news of the passage of the Emir of Kano with great shock and intense sadness.

“Indeed, this is a sad day. Our nation and the world has lost an uncommon personality; a great African and a quintessential monarch. Alhaji Dr. Ado Abdullahi Bayero lived a legend, a detribalised Nigerian and statesman who sacrificed the greater part of his life for the stability, oneness and development of our dear nation leaving for us and generations yet unborn resounding legacies and glowing footprints to follow,” the statement said.

According to the PDP, “The late Emir personified dignity and finesses. Till death, he was the longest serving and unarguably one of the most respected Emirs in the history of Kano Emirate; a devout Muslim who, despite his exceptional attainments left us great lessons as a very strong symbol of godliness, tolerance, justice, honesty and service to our dear father land.

“He was an excellent administrator and entrepreneur who played key roles towards the political and economic development of our country while his contributions to national discourse remained pivotal to the sustenance of democracy and good governance in Nigeria.

“We mourn with our National Chairman, Ahmadu Adamu Muazu CON, as he grieves for the loss of his adoptive father, the Emir, who nurtured him and many other prominent Nigerians to greatness. Indeed, we are particularly pained that the Emir left us at a time like this when his wealth of experience, valuable fatherly advise and guidance are needed the most.

“Our hearts also reach out to the the Bayero family even as we condole with the Kano Emirate, the good people of Kano state and the entire nation for this very huge loss.”

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon Aminu Waziri Tambuwal, in his condolence message, described the passing away of the Emir as a monumental loss to the entire country, saying he received the news of the passage with great sense of sadness.

In a statement issued by his Special Adviser on Media and Public Affairs, Malam Imam Imam, Tambuwal described the deceased as a strict disciplinarian who led an exemplary life characterised by honesty, fairness, generosity and service to God and humanity. He said the late Emir treasured knowledge and the search for knowledge.

“Under his long and glorious reign, Kano witnessed unprecedented boom in all spheres of human endeavour. It’s eminent status as a trading point and centre of commerce in sub Saharan Africa was not only reaffirmed, but enhanced. People of Kano and indeed all Nigerians will miss his advice and reassuring presence. It is gratifying however that he has left behind towering legacies for posterity and this should serve as comforting to us all,” Tambuwal added.

While extending his condolences to the Kano Emirate and the state government, the Speaker prayed to Almighty Allah to grant his immediate family the fortitude to bear the loss.

Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar said he has lost a father in Emir of Kano who passed on at the age of 83. In a personal tribute to Ado Bayero, and condolence message to the family, the people and the government of Kano State over the death of the Emir,the former Vice President said his relationship with the late Emir of Kano was of a father and his favourite son spanning over three decades.

A visibly pained Atiku said that he knew that death was coming (like it would for every mortal), but not in agony and humiliation because he (Ado Bayero) did not deserve it. He said Ado Bayero was not only loyal to his people in his immediate domain, but to Nigeria and humanity at large.

According to Atiku, Ado Bayero was a pious, humble, upright and honest man whose integrity was unparalleled. Atiku noted that the death of Ado Bayero has robbed the nation of a noble crusader of unity, tolerance and peaceful co-existence.

The former Vice President recalled that promoting unity and tolerance was one of Ado Bayero’s greatest and unforgettable legacies. According to him, Nigeria had lost a crusader for peace, stability and unity at a time his services were still badly needed by the country.

He said, Ado Bayero who celebrated his 50th Anniversary on the throne in June last year, was a rare leader of enviable and vast wisdom. He recalled the significant contributions of Ado Bayero to sustaining the unity of Nigeria during the January 15, 1966 political crisis, a role that earned him the respect of the late Dim Chukuemeka Odumegu Ojukwu. Atiku said the respect Ojukwu had for Ado Bayero, a quintessential bridge-builder, was a significant message about the role Bayero played to hold back Nigeria from the brink of disaster.

Apart from Ado Bayero’s commitment to unity, Atiku Abubakar praised the late monarch’s amazing ability to rule over a vast, complex, heterogeneous, and cosmopolitan state like Kano without losing his sanity, a quality he said was rare among average leaders. The former Vice President extolled the late Ado Bayero’s integrity and his remarkable character, adding that the late Emir had always associated himself with the progress and development of his people.

Atiku’s message came as the Delta State governor, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan, also expressed sadness at the death of the Emir , describing him as an epitome of peace and national unity.

In a statement by Felix Ofou, his Press Secretary, the governor noted the bold sacrifices and courage exhibited by the late monarch to maintain relative peace in Kano even in the face of threats by insurgents and at great risk to his life.

“Even at great risk to his life and threat by insurgents, the late Royal Majesty stood defiantly against religious extremism and helped to maintain peace in Kano which is the commercial nerve centre of Northern Nigeria.

“Our revered royal father was not cowed; neither did he retreat when his convoy was shot at. He also intervened where necessary to ensure that peace and the unity of the country was not in any way compromised,” he said.

Uduaghan recalled with nostalgia and fond memories how the late Emir received him and the entourage from Delta State in the ancient city of Kano in 2007, noting that the encounter and warm reception accorded him would remain indelible in his mind.

“Because of his personal commitment to peace and unity of Nigeria, the late Alhaji Ado Bayero welcomed us to the ancient city of Kano. He related to me like a son and I accepted him more like a father,” he added‎.

Governor Uduaghan particularly noted the late monarch’s support for President Goodluck Jonathan and efforts to combat the scourge of Boko Haram and other terrorist activities in the country.

“I am sure President Goodluck Jonathan will greatly miss the wise counsel and intervention of the late Emir. He was a pillar of support to the Federal Government as well as other forms of lawful authority in the country, “he enthused.

Uduaghan therefore expressed condolences to the government and people of Kano State, the Ado Bayero family, President Jonathan and Nigerians at large and prayed God to grant all the fortitude to bear the loss.


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