Headline661 Seized Pump Action Rifles Handed Over To DSS

661 Seized Pump Action Rifles Handed Over To DSS

BEVERLY HILLS, March 10, (THEWILL) – The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) has handed over the 661 pump action rifles which was seized by its men at the federal operations unit, zone A Ikeja, to the Department of State Security (DSS) for further investigation.

This was disclosed to newsmen on Friday by Jerry Attah, Public Relations Officer of the unit.

Attah recalled that the rifles, that were seized on January 22, 2017, were hidden in a Mack truck with registration number BDG 265 XG conveying a 1 x 40ft container before it was intercepted along Mile 2/Apapa road, Lagos.


He said the truck was immediately taken to the premises of FOU zone A, Ikeja, where physical examination revealed that 49 boxes containing 661 pieces of pump action rifles were concealed with steel doors and other merchandise goods.

Attah declared that the interception of the arms is a clear indication of how committed and dedicated the service is to the economy, security and well-being of the country adding that three suspects were arrested in connection with the illegal importation.

“The 661 pump action rifles and the suspects were handed over to Betty Adoki, Director, DSS, Lagos state command, who represented Lawal Daura, Director-General of DSS.

The Comptroller-General of customs, Hameed Ali, was represented at the event by Deputy Comptroller-General of customs in charge of enforcement, inspection and investigation, Dan Ugo.

Ugo called on all well-meaning Nigerians to support the service with necessary information that could assist it in performing its statutory responsibilities better.


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