

It is apparently clear to all men of good conscience that the leadership of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), an umbrella body of the Christians in Nigeria has lost focus, decency and every moral qualification to continue to function and speak on behalf of Christians in our beloved country, Nigeria. Christians all over the world according to Jesus Christ, the master of the faith, must be morally upright anywhere, anytime, no matter the condition. Jesus Christ Fought against injustice even if it is meted out to his enemies, fed the poor, lived amongst them, organized the people to always pray and worship God. At the end, the Christ I read about in the Bible and came to accept and, proudly identify with today sacrificed himself for our sake.

At the establishment of CAN in the 1980’s and led then by Olubunmi Cardinal Okogie, a retired Catholic Archbishop of Lagos, Primate Sunday Mbang of the Methodist faith and several others stood up to protect Christendom in Nigeria. They fought against injustice, marginalization, mis-rule, identified with the suffering masses of Nigeria. They usually as at then called the government to order once they appear to be derailing. The CAN of today under the leadership of Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor has not only derailed but has lost every sense of morality and leadership to continue to pioneer the affairs of this religious body. And, we must as matter of urgency save this body from ridicule, shame and final extinction.

We need a CAN that will constantly act as the conscience of the nation. Religious organization that will courageously talk against the evils in our society that appears to be barriers to our open heavens in our political and economic development. A CAN and Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (SCIA) that will be against evil structures of development purposely laid and sustained by selfish leaders, Pastors and Imams that will mobilize the people against bad policies, money laundering, non-accountability and lack of transparency in governance.  We need a prophetic CAN to talk to the government to walk their talk. The present CAN have become bunch of sycophants, hypocrites. We are in dire need of visionary Christian leaders, like the Okogies, Mbangs, Obinnas, Bakares, Kukahs, Ikes, who will liberate the people from mental slavery, bondage, economic prison and, open doors for responsible governance, justice, peace, security, good life which God promises his people.

Nigeria may need spiritual cleansing but more of economic, political and moral cleansing we require, justice, equal right and fairness to all. The CAN of our time must resist the evils, temptations to apathy, despondency. They must stand up and be counted on the side of reason, truth and fairness, for they remain the salt of the earth, light of the world. CAN leadership must be fearless Christians who will at all times demonstrate that indeed there is hope for redemption for this country. We remember vividly that the reason adduced by Pastor Oritsejafor’s ‘defence lawyers’ on the jet purchase then was that he needed to improve his evangelization, reach out to his followers around the globe but the recent happenings have betrayed the pastor as man of questionable character. If the jet is truly meant for evangelization, why is it now leased out? Who will profit from the deal, CAN or Pastor Oritsejafor? The real reason why churches are been tasked on the payment of taxes. Quite frankly this CAN under Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor has lost its head in every respect.

The two religious bodies, CAN, SCIA and in fact traditional institutions must collaborate as in the past to discern the current situation of things in our land and give it a theological and cultural meaning. Bodies that will proclaim that our real enemies are corruption, greed, indiscipline, lack of transparency, non-accountability among many government officials. A Christian leader is he/she who feels and cares deeply about the happiness and well being of his country men and women. The true religious leader will always demand for the best standard from and for his people. He will speak against evil at all times, all places without minding their position in the society.

The CAN and SCIA are confronted with the task of defending or explaining the hope that is in us (1 Peter 3:15) in the midst of people held under siege by an abusive, exploitative, fraudulent, callous, insensitive and greedy elite. We see, feel, conspiracy among four groups holding down the country thereby impoverishing the already marginalized peoples of Nigeria; the religious leaders, economic giants, power brokers and traditional rulers. The religious bodies must desist from capitalizing on government already inflicted injuries, poverty on the people and define hope for our struggling citizens.

The Christendom in Nigeria is in a state of tatters, with all manner of hypocrisy, bad and very ugly stories emanating from the religious circle. Ayo Oritsejafor’s missionary jet converted to economic use, going about with body guards intimidating other road users; Chris and Anita Oyakhilome’s marriage scandal and personal acquisition of churches in Nigeria and Britain; David Oyedepo in tax evasion scandal in the United Kingdom; TB Joshua in illegal construction of additional building that collapsed and killed many of his congregation, bribed journalists to cover up some hidden facts and the manipulated CCTV film that recorded the ‘hovering plane.’ So many scandalous stories of priests in various other churches philandering with both married and unmarried women, involved in the acquisition of devilish healing powers, acquiring more of pleasurable jeeps and other earthly materials not necessary for preachers of the gospel. Rather than the leaders of the church and these includes the clergy, laity, to present the Christian teachings, messages in such a way to bring hope, refresh despairing minds, bring succour to the agonizing people of Nigeria who like the children of Israel in Egypt are passing through prolonged nightmare under a succession of merciless taskmasters.

Our Nigerian Christian and Islamic leaders must accept the responsibility to reshape the direction of the country. It is because they live very far from the people that they do not feel for the poor. How many of the privileged pastors live in Ajegunle, Orile-Iganmu, Nyanya, Mararaba, no, they stay in high brow areas with security, palatial homes with modern gadgets for comfort, drive round town in multi million jeep cars while the members of their  flock are sick, distressed, harassed, go hungry and lack nutrition. The pastors must re-examine their lifestyle, their pattern of life do not match with the socio-economic circumstances of their people and present economy in the country. Nigerian worshippers will sacrifice to see their ministers live above poverty level but it would however be unfair, unjust and insensitive for the ministers to close their eyes against the plight of the common people.

The religious cannot always push the blame to government when they hide in their cocoon to commit all manner of atrocities. They must brace up to the challenges of working for Muhammed and Christ. If they continue in these lifestyles then it is obviously clear that they are not true representatives of the masters of these two world’s most popular faiths. Mother Theresa of Calcutta, of blessed memory worked for Christ by living amongst the poor, denying herself of all pleasures to attend to the sick, fed the hungry, gave succour to the less privileged. Nigerian pastors must step down from this utopian ladder if they must be taken seriously. Nigeria needs genuine prophets of God, those who will ride bicycle, motor-bike, tricycle to get to their places of worship not all these questionable multi millionaires who are holding on to the bible to protect their ill-gotten wealth.

Written by Uzodinma Nwaogbe.



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